Kodkod makes strange sounds

Kodkod. Screeshot from audio.
Until September 7th I will give 10 cents to an animal charity for every comment. It is a way to help animal welfare without much effort at no cost. Comments help this website too, which is about animal welfare.

Please make sure that you turn the sound on using the button on the video. It is a cycled video so it’ll keep playing. The name of the cat is also strange! I have a full page on the kodkod so there is no need to reproduce it here. Please click on this link which opens a new tab. Or this click on this link to see kodkod facts for kids (simplified discussion). And there are some more pages below.

Note: videos on this site are typically made by people other than me and held on YouTube servers or the servers of other businesses (not the server storing this website). Sometimes the videos are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened I apologise but I have no control over it.

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