Ladies, do these photos make you want to adopt a cat?

Ladies, do these photos make you want to adopt a cat? I suppose in a modern world, with gay marriage et cetera, I should also mention whether men could be encouraged to adopt cats when looking at these photos but I’d rather stick to the conventional for the time being. All the photos are by Petra Romano.


Ladies, do these photos make you want to adopt a cat?

The guy above is John Fugelsang and his kitty, Bix….(I don’t know who the rest are – can you help?)

As you might expect, the idea behind these photos is to encourage people to adopt unwanted pets and to raise adoption awareness. They are photos from the Tails of NYC RescueMen calendar. The men are New Yorkers as I understand it. I have featured cats but the other photos are of dogs.

Men and cats

Men and cats

Men and cats

Men and cats

Men and cats

The organisers are: Felicia Greenfield and Jen Halpern. All the men featured are animal lovers. Halpern said:

“They truly inspire us to want to continue to make a difference for shelter animals.”

This is a project of Pillows for Paws a not-for-profit founded by Halpern.

“Not only are they nice to look at, but they’re awesome people,”

If this sort of stuff rocks your boat, you can order the calendar here.

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21 thoughts on “Ladies, do these photos make you want to adopt a cat?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Well-LOL on all of these comments* I did get rid of an EX and keep my ragdoll and an orange white Maine Coon way back when.
    But let me add also, that they did not approve of him either. My current hubby loves our four maine coons. It cuts both ways Michael, as you so aptly stated. Meow

  3. Wait wait wait, let’s not be too hasty here! All of these guys have possibilities. Hmmmm….of course, I’d keep the cat and the human male can come and visit and spend the night sometimes.

  4. I got rid of a husband and kept the cats. Subsequent relationships have found that a man takes up too much room, too much time and makes too many demands!

    • Laugh. That made me smile. I can see the point. One animal is utterly reliable and a great companion and the other is somewhat dubious in the role of companion.


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