The LaPerm is a relatively rare breed of a cat. It is an American creation. I would have thought they are rare in England but one lives about 80 yards from me! She is a slender beige coloured cat. The main feature is the crinkly ‘permed” coat. I thought I’d publish this rather poor snapshot (the cat is slightly out of focus) which I took a couple of days ago. I’ll probably have a chance to get a better photo in the future.
The LaPerm is not confined to beige! There is a full page for adults and kids on this cat breed on PoC.

Agreed. The cat is interesting more than beautiful for me. This is a created breed so would not have been established but for the cat fancy in America.
Beautiful cat. Kind of. Maybe.
p.s. Jo, are you there? Finally responded to your comment on ‘Manufacturers of Grainless Cat Food Continue to Add Carbohydrates, etc.’– your article that vanished into the catacombs…
Oh no! Irresponsible “owners” in London as well s the North East, why do people not only not get their cats spayed but then let them wander around meeting up with toms. Poor little soul, I wonder what her babies would look like, they could be fuzzywuzzy gingers or tabbies.
Good point. She is very cautious with people. Good thing. She seems quite wild in fact although she is completely domesticated. She may not be spayed because the “owner” has another cat (a tortoiseshell) who is not spayed and who fell pregnant to a tomcat who rules the roost around here.
Yes there’s always the fear someone will take her. If you get to stroke her let us know what her fur is like. In a way I hope she doesn’t let you then we will know she won’t let bad people near her either.
Grooming probably has to be done with a lot of care. The fur in real life looks quite delicate. She stands out here; quite noticeable to me but I am not a normal person 😉