by Ruth

For declawing ? Then try it yourself !

For declawing ? Then try it yourself !

There seems to be a few people with the mistaken idea that laser declawing is kinder because it 'just' removes the claws instead of the entire last joint of the cats toes. Maybe this is being put about by those pro declaw vets who bought expensive fancy laser machines expecting the money made from declawing cats to pay for it. Or maybe put about by their assistants who have blood money in their wage packets every month.

Lasering is a very intricate process which only skilled operators should carry out. So how many cats paws are mutilated not only by declawing but by declawing this way by an untrained operator?

Not only does the cat end up with no toe ends but he suffers scorched flesh and bone too (see photo below).

cat's paw that has been declawed using lasers
Scorched paw of cat declawed with laser
Photo: author unknown

To put it simply, cats claws are firmly embedded into bone because they were never meant to be removed! That bone contains claw cells from which new claws would grow painfully and crookedly if the bone was not removed.

There is no way to declaw a cat except by removing this last bone! Cats are born with claws firmly embedded in bone because they NEED claws to live the healthy fulfilled lives they have the right to live.

Those same vets use the tired old argument that more cats would end up in Rescue Shelters if their owners couldn't have them declawed. NOT SO!

People can go out and get a kitten, knowing full well they can have him declawed, no questions asked! A supposed to be last resort procedure is premeditated abuse done to little kittens by people who train as vets and take an oath to harm no animal. They break that oath every time they amputate a kittens toes by whichever means they use to do it. If declawing was not available, those people wouldn't get a kitten.

Only the people who know that scratching is necessary to a cat and would be prepared to teach their kitten how to use a scratching post, would have cats in their homes.

Declawing is an unnecessary, cruel operation done for selfish or misguided people by vets who most certainly should be educating their clients and thinking about the welfare of animals they were trained to help, rather than thinking of more money going into their bank accounts.

Update 23rd Nov. 2010 from Michael (Admin): I would like to write a short update.

There is no doubt that vets are under pressure about conventional declawing. This is in part thanks to all the wonderful visitors to PoC who fight for cats.

But they are using laser declawing to re-brand and re-market declawing as safe and painless.

A classic and horrible example is provided by the OWINGS MILLS ANIMAL AND BIRD HOSPITAL. This is what they say about laser declawing:

"THE GUILT FREE LASER DECLAW!...Properly done, a declaw will provide the cat a lifetime of comfort and allow him to be an inside pet without causing all the damage..."

They say that laser declaw seals nerves and blood vessels and "there is very little pain when they wake up".

This is an example of the vets fighting back to retain their all important income. Declawing is profitable and they don't really give a damn about the cat if they declaw, laser or otherwise.

Visitors to this page should be in no doubt that declawing is immoral and wrong. The fact that laser declawing is a complete breach of the vet's ethical code and oath is not referred to by this veterinarian.

For this vet to state that a declawed cat will have a lifetime of comfort is an extreme example of a vet who has completely lost his moral compass and who ignores the ethical side of veterinary surgery....

This animal hospital must be linked to the Pet Authority Animal Hospital as the same words and promotions are used. Here are two, one a letter and the other horrible vouchers promoting declawing. The letter is quite sick in saying "Guilt Free Laser Declaw". How immoral is that?!

laser declawing

declaw discount vouchers

Michael (I would like to thank Susan Woodhouse for telling me about this vet)


Kattaddorra signature Ruth


Comments for

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May 09, 2012 What is this? NEW
by: Anonymous - but fair

This comments page is full of people who are just yelling at each other. I'm not actually seeing any discussion. In an argument, polite people acknowledge the other's point of view. In other words, you do not say that they have said "OMG DECLAWING IS BAD DERP DERP."

So, in order to agree with myself, I acknowledge the fact that this page does not bring any scientific evidence that declawing causes problems into play.

HOWEVER, I think that that's not the point. The point is, whether it causes long-term problems or not, it causes a whole lot of pain and discomfort. If you have broken your thumb, you may know scientifically that it'll heal just fine, but it still hurts like heck.

Causing extreme pain seems to me like a good reason not to declaw.

Mar 05, 2012 cats NEW
by: Anonymous

people that declaw cats should be ashamed how would they like the nails removed by lasers if your going to declaw the cat think about wats best for the cat not your self cats feel pain to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep 28, 2011 To Anonymous
by: Maggie

Ahh I was just waiting for you to find a loop hole. I knew you would, people like you will go to any lengths to prove yourself right. I'm afraid Jean Hofve isn't just someone who made a .com website, and I'm afraid she knows a hell of a lot more about declawing than you could ever hope to know in your life time.

Seriously? You're using her website's layout to prove your point? Try again, Anonymous. While you're at it, grow a pair and give us a name, stop hiding behind Anonymous, it's only proving what a coward you are.

Sep 27, 2011 Heard it before anonymous
by: Leah England

Well yes I feel sorry for people who have suppressed immune systems however how do you think people in the same situation cope in the UK and other European countries? Well they don't de-claw that's for certain because its banned for being cruel and inhumane.

Therefore if your health doesn't support a cat then don't get one! If you were allergic you wouldn't get one so what's the difference?

A cat bite is far worse than a cat scratch so de-clawing is the worst possible thing a person who is sick could do (or should I say a 'sick person?' there is a subtle difference)

So sorry if I sound angry but its because I am you see I've heard all your bull*hit time and again.

Sep 27, 2011 Anoymouses are cowards
by: Vet tech

Who cares if it's the same anonymous or not. ALL who hide behind anonymous are cowards who haven't the courage of their own convictions to put their name to their rubbish.
Do you know how many declawed cats are unadoptable in Shelters from problems from the declawing?
Do you know how many declawed cats are killed at kill shelters?
No you don't do you,nor do you care because your mind is full of propoganda that only fools swallow.
Thinking people do some research before shooting off their mouths!
Fools come on web sites and hide behind anonymous.
Enough said!

Sep 27, 2011 Little Big Cat
by: Ruth

Little Big Cat is the web site of Dr Jean Hofve DVM.
She is a highly experienced and much respected USA Veterinarian who does not declaw cats because she knows how cruel it is.
She does not break her oath to cause no animal to suffer.
You can check out her credentials if you don't believe me.
Now please can you tell us when you qualified after studying Veterinary medicine ?

Hmm thought not !

Sep 27, 2011 Dear Maggie
by: Anonymous

Anyone can make a .com website and claim to be something they are not 😉
And the fact that this actually looks like a blog makes it even worse.
Try again

Sep 27, 2011 To : Leah (England)
by: Anonymous

I don't know. How stupid do I appear? I'm trying so hard to see myself in that comment but I can't seem to make myself appear.
Maybe I should look harder. Or maybe you are in such a rage that you don't care how stupid you sound? ^_^ Ahhh so much fun. Cat lovers are so easy to get at.

Oh and I am on Cat Lover's side. IDK if he/she is trolling BAHAHA But damn. I'll just wait for that research. Then, and only then, if science proves it, will i believe without a doubt that declawing is bad. As I have stated in one of my posts, and dear me I think im triple posting now, there is a way without fucking up your cats whole paw. You just have to find a vet who is willing to do a longer procedure.

"Q: Are there good reasons to declaw a cat?

A: There are a couple of good reasons. Medically, sometimes you have to remove a claw if the claw is damaged beyond repair or if it has a tumor.

Sometimes it’s also trauma to the owners. There are people whose immune systems are suppressed or the elderly on blood thinners who can’t be exposed to the bacteria on a cat’s claws."

"Q: Isn’t it better to declaw a cat rather than get rid of it?

A: If that’s the only option, absolutely. If the cat is going to be given up, the lesser of two evils is declawing the cat. There’s no two ways about it. And, if you’re going to start letting your cat outside because it’s a destructive cat, you’re probably better off declawing it and keeping it inside because it will live considerably longer being an inside declawed cat than an outside, undeclawed cat."

I find this to be a very good argument towards the declawing side Bros and Brahs.
One day you will get sick and wont be able to have a cat. Derp, who will take care of it? give it to a shelter, it'll probably die. Woopsie.

Sep 27, 2011 Declawing and Science
by: Maggie

Here's your science, from an experienced, qualified and highly reputable vet. What more do you want.

*Waits for Anonymous to heavily search and dissect article for any sign of loop holes or contradictions.*

Sep 27, 2011 Oh and BTW
by: Anonymous

Its funny how you guys scream at anonymous. You will never really know if its the same anonymous.
P.S once again, Research PL0X

"They truly have looked at these issues and found nothing. You’ll hear stories that cats start biting more or develop litter box problems, but there’s no evidence of it even after numerous studies."


Just because it is one cat, does not mean it is all. We all know all cats are different. Just because you hear it one place, or several places even, doesn't mean its universally true.

And one more thing before I disappear
Another comparison to humans because it just lit a fuse on your tampons.
Humans who are born with tails. It is natural, no?
But they cut those things off too. Don't go on about it not being natural because it is. We all have tailbones. Some just longer than others.

Sep 27, 2011 Research plox
by: Anonymous

I need to educate myself? How about you educate yourselves please. You all go "OMG DECLAWING IS BAD DERP DERP" Show me a SCIENTIFIC website that says declawing a cat will change behavior or anything in a cat. There are several ways to declaw a cat. Some people do lazer. Some people use The guillotine method. Those without a doubt are painful to a cat. destroying the soft tissue of the cats paws will take weeks to recover from the surgery alone. With cosmetic declawing, you use a tiny curved blade to go in and dissect out the claw and the tiny piece of bone. The pad is intact; all the soft tissue is there. So the cat is walking comfortably very quickly because its pads are fine. So stop getting all herp derp about it. Cats are like a religion to you people. And I do realize that it is banned in some countries. That's why I mentioned it before.
BTW I own a cat who still has her claws.
-Love anonymous
P.s Do your research and stop derping
P.s.s Don't feed the troll. May cause your to lose your mind... and your 'fingers'... Or in this case, your claws.

Sep 25, 2011 VetTech....
by: Kelly

What I meant by that was that the owners DO have a choice..and by extension...their cats. Trying to show someone that is obviously completely ignorant, that there is a HUGE difference between a cat being an amputee..and humans that have a limb amputated. For cats, it is an "elective" procedure...NOT so with humans. No one ever elects to have a limb amputated.

Believe me...I know, if cats had a "choice", declawing would have never existed in the first place.

Sep 25, 2011 Cats have no choice
by: Vet tech

Kelly cats do NOT have a choice!
Their owners have that choice on their behalf.
If cats had a choice declawing would not exist.

Sep 24, 2011 To Anonymous
by: Kelly

I think you certainly have alot to learn. Humans generally lose limbs due to disease or severe injury. It is NOT something they WANT done, but they have no choice. EVERY CAT (and cat owner) has a choice. Amputaion in humans is never an elective or "routine" surgery, and it is never done simply for being "human".

Why on earth would you compare 10 seperate amputations on healthy limbs to a single amputation on a gangrenous limb or one that is severly injured? And how do you explain human doctors "doing everything they can" to SAVE that limb?

Your point is moot Im afraid. And why should a cat have to "endure"....instead of living its life as it was meant to be?

How sad for you.....

Sep 24, 2011 To the anonymous coward
by: Jane

Come on then, when will you book yourself in?
Why shouldn't YOU live with the pain you think cats should endure!

Sep 24, 2011 You are the ignorant one
by: Rose

You want ignorant people to see both sides do you?
I can't think of anyone much more ignorant than you are anonymous!
You are so crassly ignorant you think cats should suffer needlessly,that they should live their lives enduring pain.
You also think some people have no choice but to have their pet mutilated!
How so?
Does a vet doctor come with a gun and force them to put their hungry frightened cat in a basket and take it to his clinic to be legally abused by him?
How come in so many countries declawing is banned if it's OK to let cats suffer?
I've read some crap in my lifetime but you take the cake,you really do!

Sep 24, 2011 What a load of crap!!!!
by: Leah England


You talk utter rubbish!!

How can you say that not de-clawing a cat sends him back to the shelter without being loved when it is de-clawing that sends him to the shelter to be killed unloved because no one who loved a cat would do either!

You say that humans have to be suffer being amputees and so should cats well I've never heard of anyone having a healthy limb amputated like cats are made to have healthy toes chopped off!!

Humans can talk about the pain they are in. Usually they decide about the amputation, cats have no choice. Humans can have artificial limbs, cats can't.

There is absolutely no reason to amputate 10 healthy toes and you are unbelievably stupid to even try to figure reasons why to do it or to compare it to amputations in humans you idiotic Moron!

Sep 24, 2011 Without doubt INHUMANE!
by: Mrs M

Declawing cats isn't PROBABLY inhumane,it is without doubt totally inhumane.
Sorry but people DO have a choice,it's the cats that have NO choice.
To say it's OK for cats to live a life of pain is the craziest thing I've ever heard.
That some unfortunate people lose limbs and live with pain doesn't make it right for even one single cat to have to do the same.
Why don't you have your own finger ends amputated if you feel so strongly that human amputees need other creatures to suffer alongside them?
It would in fact be a very good idea as it would stop you typing such rubbish too.

Sep 24, 2011 To "Anonymous"
by: Barbara

Another gutless but opinionated ignoramus, happy to give us the benefit of his/her wisdom but not to put a name to the comments, and no wonder because I've never read such a load of rubbish in my life.

Declawing cats "seems" inhumane, it "probably" is? There is no probably about it, of course it's inhumane, how could it not be inhumane to deliberately hurt an animal? To schedule major surgery for 10 unnecessary amputations? To deprive the cat of the ends of the fingers/toes that she not only needs to groom, stretch and play but also to walk properly, and to subject that cat to rheumatic problems in later years.

Why be so stupid as to compare declawed cats with human amputees? No human would ever opt to have a limb amputated, limbs, fingers or toes are lost through either disease or accident, how can you compare an owner elective amputation with a medical necessity or accidental loss of limb?

You haven't a clue what you're writing about, you just want to stir up trouble, buzz off and do a bit of research on declawing before you post on such a serious subject again,your ignorance is dangerous TROLL!

Barbara avatar

Sep 24, 2011 To anonymous
by: Anonymous

So you condone delawing even though you know full well it's painful and you think it's right for cats to bear life as a cripple because some people have to.
You are a very callous and ignorant person and I just hope you don't have any cats in your power!

Sep 24, 2011 To anonymous
by: Anonymous

So you condone delawing even though you know full well it's painful and you think it's right for cats to bear life as a cripple because some people have to.
You are a very callous and ignorant person and I just hope you don't have any cats in your power!

Sep 24, 2011 To anonymous
by: Anonymous

So you condone delawing even though you know full well it's painful and you think it's right for cats to bear life as a cripple because some people have to.
You are a very callous and ignorant person and I just hope you don't have any cats in your power!

Sep 24, 2011 to the anonymous sadist
by: Ruth

There is no 'both sides' you say you want people to see.
Declawing cats is black and white cruel, there is no grey to it !
Of course people have a choice, it's not compulsory to get a cat, the people who are too ignorant to know that cats are born with claws because they need them should get a different sort of pet.
You say would you rather see a cat put into a shelter and killed.
Thousands of declawed cats are relinquished to shelters and killed because of the problems caused by declawing. Deliberately crippled by people who should never have had a cat, then unwanted anyway.
No it should not be OK for a cat to live and endure a life of pain, what sort of a sadist are you to think that's acceptable?
Yes people in pain go on but they have a choice of suicide if their life becomes unbearable, cats DO NOT have that option.
It is NOT the same, no one pays a surgeon to amputate a person's finger ends like they pay a vet to do that to a cat.
'Cats who lose their claws have to be taken care of' you say.No they do NOT lose their claws, they do NOT lose anything, because their finger ends are TAKEN away from them by corrupt vets on behalf of ignorant or lazy or cruel people.....
If you lose something you have a chance to find it again, cats have NO chance to find their finger ends, they are gone FOREVER.
Declawing is animal abuse !

Sep 24, 2011 To Anonymous
by: Maggie

"If it is okay for a human who has lost limbs to go on, then it should be okay for a cat right?"

Educate yourself, there's no justifiable reason to having you cat declawed, in Austalia, the UK, and a further 35 countries around the world, we manage just fine without declawing. Oh, and have you ever stopped to think about WHY declawing is banned in all those countries? Trust me, it's not a pointless ban. It's banned because declawing is unacceptable cruelty regardless of ANY circumstances. The US should be so ashamed that they haven't banned it yet.

Sep 24, 2011 black and white...
by: Anonymous

To all these people with hate comments....
Declawing cats seems inhumane. Yes it probably is. Especially if the cat is an outdoor cat. Most people are black and white on this subject. Try to look at it from the other side. Why do you think people get their cats declawed? Because they like it? Because they want to see their cats in pain? Do they WANT to torture their cats? The ones that call themselves cat lovers probably are. Some people have no choice. Sometimes they have to get their cats declawed.
I'm against people who do it just to save their precious furniture. If they wanted to keep it untouched and pretty, don't get a cat. I see people get so touchy about declawing cats and it makes me laugh. Would you rather see a cat be put into a shelter and killed, never knowing what it is liked to be loved? Maybe they do live their lives in pain. Sooo what about HUMANS who lose limbs? Maybe caused by other humans. But they live. They live and endure their lives. Sure it is painful, but they go on. If it is okay for a human who has lost limbs to go on, then it should be okay for a cat right? And don't give me any of that 'it isn't the same BS' because it is. It is very much the same. Some humans who lose limbs have to be taken care of. Cats who lose their claws have to be taken care of just the same.
NOW people who are for declawing. Why do you think it is BANNED in some places? Because it hurts the cat when they shouldn't need to go through this pain. Cats are proud. They most likely wont even show you that they are in pain. They refuse to show vulnerability. So please.... Don't get a dang cat if you want to keep your precious furniture in tip top shape.
I am not saying I am with declawing. I am very neutral on this subject. I just want ignorant people to see both sides.

Jun 02, 2011 What! Are you for real?!
by: Leah (England)

I agree with everything that has been said on here except the lies of cat hater; stupid insensitive moron that you are!

Are you really as stupid as you appear?! I mean think of it this way; even if the operation wasn't painful, even if there was no discomfort in later life you have still taken away your cats first line of defence, you have stopped your cat being able to exercise, you have stopped her being able to jump out of harms way, stopped her playing with and grabbing her toys (thats if she has any) basically you've robbed her for life of the very essence of being a cat! You have no right to do that!

I really can't believe you've had the bloody nerve to come on here and call yourself a cat lover!! How dare you!! How would you feel if you were defenceless? How vulnerable would you feel day after day, week after week? Even worse what if you also had to try and hide the fact? You would go mad!!

You know something all the people on here are cat lovers. You are not and never will be because you have no concept of what you've done. Don't you know that just because something has been happening for generations doesn't make it right?!

People like you cannot be trusted, vets to whom you pay blood money to can't be trusted either, because some vets are paid by selfish morons like you to even amputate the back toes so the poor cat can't even scratch an itch! I can't think of anything more horrific! A so called vet accepting blood money to amputate 20 healthy toes knowing damn well the effect on the cat! This is why we want it banned because your sort just do it for your selfish reasons don't you?! Because you're too lazy to get off your fat arse and buy a scratching post and vets are too interested in lining their bloody pockets to educate!!

These are the facts cat hater so don't come on here and tell us your poor little crippled innocent soul is fine because she most certainly isn't!!

Jun 02, 2011 To Cat Hater
by: Maggie

Don't call yourself a cat lover, you have absolutely no right to do so. That's like me calling myself a baby lover, but being perfectly happy to chop my baby's fingers off. You DO NOT abuse the thing you love. What is wrong with you? I love my cat, so I'm going to have her fingers chopped off? Are you actually serious, or did you post that comment just to wind us up? Because I swear, you cannot honestly call yourself a cat lover after abusing your cat. Unless you're an extremely insensitive and stupid person.

You say the whole finger business is a scare tactic. Can you please show us scientific evidence that proves declawing does not remove the finger tips? Because we have cold hard proof that it does. Just ask, and we can get a vet to show you the evidence that proves that declawing a cat removes the first digit, the finger tip.

If there is nothing wrong with declawing, why is it outlawed in 38 countries and punishable as animal cruelty? Surely something that's perfectly safe and even good for cats cannot possibly be animal cruelty? Or are you just using that argument to convince yourself that maybe you're not the asshole that everyone who declaws their cat is. Well, you are. Anyone who happily mutilates animals is. You're a cat abuser.

You obviously don't know anything about cats, if you did you would know that they are an animal that instictively hides pain and discomfort. It prevents them from appearing vulnerable. Cats who are declawed are forced to act upon that instinct day after day, for the rest of their lives. Why? Because cruel heartless people like you declaw them, and then are too ignorant to realise the horror they've put their innocent cat through.

Please, I beg you, don't ever get another cat. People like you should be kept as far away from animals as possible.

Jun 02, 2011 Cat HATER yes a better title
by: Fran

I agree with the other cat LOVERS of which YOU are certainly not one,in fact I think the term cat HATER suits you fine.
Declawing by any method used is the amputation of the last toe joint(equivalent to your finger ends cat hater)
It is a very cruel needless operation which cripples cats.
Stop kidding yourself,open your blinkered eyes and admit you are trying to wriggle out of the guilt you carry for crippling your cats.
You must know what you had done to them was abuse so don't bother trying to convince anyone otherwise and for Heavens sake don't get any more cats,you don't deserve them and they most certainly don't deserve being in the power of YOU.

Jun 02, 2011 Not impressed
by: Rose

Your long words do not impress me one bit,you should have paid attention to your spelling instead of thinking they would!
What was that Shakespearean quote'Me thinketh the lady doth protest too much'
It appears to me that is just what you are doing,protesting too much your innocence of paying to have your cat mutilated by pretending to yourself it was "only her claws" removed.
You don't want to face the fact,even though it is here on the internet in graphic detail that declawing is TEN amputations.
You are only fooling and making a fool of yourself.
Thankfully declawing will soon be banned as it is in other civilised countries and then we will see who really are "cat lovers"
You don't like claws so this is thankfully the last cat you will have in your life.So think on how you ruined her life for your own selfish ignorant reasons.
I hope she has no problems now she's growing older but the chances are she will,so don't let her down when she needs expensive treatment because you and whichever corrupt vet you patronised at the time she was declawed caused her pain!

Jun 02, 2011 To Cat Hater
by: Barbara

You show your ignorance, neglect and general unworthiness to have a cat by trying to assure us that declawing isn't like amputating the finger tips, haven't you even examined your cat's toes in the last 10 years? If you had you would have seen, by the evidence of the stumps, that the toes were shortened by the last jont being removed, now is that or is that not amputation? And as the last joints have been removed is that or is that not the equivalent to the amputation of finger ends? Hmmm??
Right, you need to pick up the cat that you hold in so much contempt that you had her modified to suit your selfish whims, and examine her paws carefully, look for soreness and callouses, watch her when she walks, does she limp? Break the habits of a lifetime and observe that cat because she is coming up to the age when your selfishness might start to cause her pain and distress.

Sadly it's people like you who pretend that declawing isn't painful and traumatic that encourages other ignorant and uncaring people who shouldn't be allowed near cats to indulge themselves by having a cat and having the cat modified, you pay someone to mutilate your cat and then try to convince others that the procedue isn't cruel to justify your own self indulgence.
You are an animal molester, you should not ever be allowed to keep another living animal, you cannot be trusted to care for their welfare.

In England you would be prosecuted for what you did to your cat and others before her.

The very fact that you mention "unless it's a botched job" proves you know that this procedure can go badly wrong, one botched job is one too many. Yes I insist the procedure is banned!

Please stop encouraging cruelty by spreading your lies and misinformation.

Barbara avatar

Jun 02, 2011 Lies
by: OJ

Spreading lies and misinformation is down to no one but you and people like you cat lover(hah I think not)
Go and do some research on declawing for God's sake!

Jun 02, 2011 RUBBISH !!!!!
by: Ruth

It is people like you who have allowed, even encouraged, the torture of cats by the amputation of their last finger joints !
Yes 'cat lover' it IS exactly that and I suggest you take a look at this page and see exactly what you paid to have done to your poor cats.

You obviously know nor care about cats because even the most short sighted person can see the difference in the paws of clawed or declawed cats.
So your present one is now 10 years old and is probably right now developing the painful arthritis which most declawed cats eventually sufer from. You do know I hope that cats hide their pain? I hope you are carefully watching her for any signs of distress ?
What would be the point of us lying ? Why do you think declawing is banned or considered extremely inhumane in 39 countries ? Why do you think right now that many vets in the USA are refusing to declaw cats ? Are we all lying ? If so WHY ?
You prove your stupidity by comparing botched neutering operations with declawing. Neutering is necessary for the cats welfare, declawing is NOT !
You have put your declawed cats through the most horrendous surgery a cat can endure and you have deprived them of the exercise they needed by digging in their claws.
How much better had you done some research and provided your cats with the scratching posts they needed for a healthy FULFILLED life.
I suggest if you still think you are right, you go and have your own finger ends amputated and see how you cope.
Your cats have adjusted, that's all, because they had no choice, suicide is not an option for cats, they are forced to live a disabled life because of people like YOU who pay a vet to deliberately disable them !
People like YOU who should never have been allowed to have a cat in their home !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jun 01, 2011 Declawing is not bad
by: Cat Lover

I have a beautiful little female who was declawed 10 years ago and she has never had a single problem. I've had both clawed and declawed cats in the past and there is no difference in their behaviour. Like the others I had declawed, my current cat was playing within 36 hours of the declawing and it had no effect on her. She has amazing agility and balance to this day and she is 10 years old... so no, it's not like amputating your finger tips. That's a flat out lie used to scare people into thinking like you. You need to stop anthropomorphising. Unless it's a botched job, declawing a cat has no negative consequences and the cats don't even know it's been done. It seems to me that by lying so much about all the horror that supposedly happens to declawed cats you are proving that you have no real argument. If I put up pictures of bothched spaying and neutering would you insist we stop doing those procedures as well? Those procedures change the behaviour and hurt the cats more than declawing. I know the hysteria surrounding declawing has gotten out of hand when nothing but lies and misinformation is being spread about the resutls of the procedure.

May 05, 2011 Yes! guilty as charged!
by: Leah (England)

Sorry but we manage with claws here in the UK. You would have to too so yep what would you do then?

I love my cats and I love their claws.

I'm sure there are loads of options to save your screens. If you were against it that much you would never have had it done. Its disgusting and inhumane, end of.

May 05, 2011 anonymous
by: Anonymous

The judge and jury find you guilty of animal abuse.
You know that you are guilty and that is why you came here trying to justify yourself.
But your cat is paying your fine by lifelong imprisonment as a cripple with no chance of parole.

May 05, 2011 To anonymous
by: Barbara

I'll keep this short, I truly believe that all people who have their cats declawed are inhumane and do not love their cats. Is that clear enough?

Barbara avatar

May 05, 2011 To smug anonymous
by: Fran

How smug and self righteous you sound anonymous, too scared to put your name.
I would be scared too if I'd had my cat mutilated like you did.
Tell me what you would have done had you lived in a country where declawing is rightfully illegal?
Have you not heard of trimming claws?
Like you do your nails on the finger ends you still have but your cat doesn't have any more.
Poor little cat,crippled for life yet sitting purring on your lap not knowing YOU had that done to him.

May 05, 2011 To anonymous
by: Ruth

Time will tell ! I wonder if you will still feel you did the right thing when your 'wonderful little guy' is suffering from painful arthritis as he ages ? Because he actually isn't a guy, he is a cat and cats NEED their claws to exercise and stay healthy.
How could you go ahead knowing full well you had left him to have his toe ends amputated:

Look at those healthy toe ends, your cat's toe ends were removed like that and were thrown in the trash. You paid to have him disabled. No matter how 'good' the vet is he still burned off your cat's healthy toe ends.
I hope and pray for your cats sake he is one of the rare lucky ones who never suffer, I hope he is always purring in pleasure, not in pain (cats do purr when they are in pain too)
I'd have done anything...ANYTHING, rather than have one of my cats declawed.
I'd have moved house rather than cripple my cat !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 04, 2011 The question of humanity...
by: Anonymous

I have to say that I truly resent the insinuation that people who have their cats declawed are ALL inhumane and cannot possibly love their pets. It's simply not fair to play judge and jury when you don't have all of the facts about a specific situation.

I have done a ton of research on this subject, and I have to admit that I was terrified to have this procedure done on my precious kitty. I tried every recommended alternative to train him out of scratching, and they worked as a deterrent for almost everything, except for the screens in my windows. I live in a second-story apartment building, and every time my little guy saw or heard another animal outside, he would always take a flying leap onto the screen. Replacing the screens was not a problem, but as he got older, he started making huge tears. I was genuinely concerned that he would get caught and mangled in them, or possibly even fall out. Our building doesn't have central air, so keeping the windows closed in summer wasn't an option. My cat was miserable in the heat, and for an indoor cat, experiencing the sights and smells of the outdoors is a natural and essential component of their well-being.

I tried soft paws and every other alternative I could find after talking to several vets and scouring the internet for solutions. When all else failed, I reluctantly resigned myself to having him declawed with laser technology by a vet who had been conducting the procedure for several years.

I know that cats are good at hiding their pain, but I saw no change in behavior or outward signs of distress. Believe me---I was looking for them, because I have always been against subjecting cats to this procedure. However, had he gotten mangled, taken a bad fall, or gotten lost, I believe that the fate he could have suffered would have likely been far more detrimental.

I fully respect people who speak up against torturing animals. I am only bothered by some of the sweeping generalizations that are made, including pronouncing harsh judgment on others without knowing the specific details. Not all pet owners who resort to declawing are hateful people who want to maim their cats for convenience purposes.

Many of you make outstanding arguments against the procedure, and with good reason. However, making blanket statements and broad assumptions does little to support the cause. The average person sees all the ranting and raving as a form of hysteria, and might respond better to a more pragmatic, thoughtful approach.

My cat is sitting on my lap purring as I type...I am so blessed to have this wonderful little guy in my life. I can only hope that I made the best possible decision for his health and well-being.

May 04, 2011 The question of humanity...
by: Anonymous

I have to say that I truly resent the insinuation that people who have their cats declawed are ALL inhumane and cannot possibly love their pets. It's simply not fair to play judge and jury when you don't have all of the facts about a specific situation.

I have done a ton of research on this subject, and I have to admit that I was terrified to have this procedure done on my precious kitty. I tried every recommended alternative to train him out of scratching, and they worked as a deterrent for almost everything, except for the screens in my windows. I live in a second-story apartment building, and every time my little guy saw or heard another animal outside, he would always take a flying leap onto the screen. Replacing the screens was not a problem, but as he got older, he started making huge tears. I was genuinely concerned that he would get caught and mangled in them, or possibly even fall out. Our building doesn't have central air, so keeping the windows closed in summer wasn't an option. My cat was miserable in the heat, and for an indoor cat, experiencing the sights and smells of the outdoors is a natural and essential component of their well-being.

I tried soft paws and every other alternative I could find after talking to several vets and scouring the internet for solutions. When all else failed, I reluctantly resigned myself to having him declawed with laser technology by a vet who had been conducting the procedure for several years.

I know that cats are good at hiding their pain, but I saw no change in behavior or outward signs of distress. Believe me---I was looking for them, because I have always been against subjecting cats to this procedure. However, had he gotten mangled, taken a bad fall, or gotten lost, I believe that the fate he could have suffered would have likely been far more detrimental.

I fully respect people who speak up against torturing animals. I am only bothered by some of the sweeping generalizations that are made, including pronouncing harsh judgment on others without knowing the specific details. Not all pet owners who resort to declawing are hateful people who want to maim their cats for convenience purposes.

Many of you make outstanding arguments against the procedure, and with good reason. However, making blanket statements and broad assumptions does little to support the cause. The average person sees all the ranting and raving as a form of hysteria, and might respond better to a more pragmatic, thoughtful approach.

My cat is sitting on my lap purring as I type...I am so blessed to have this wonderful little guy in my life. I can only hope that I made the best possible decision for his health and well-being.

Mar 11, 2011 Pure evil
by: Anonymous

Taking a cats claws from it by any method at all is pure evil and anyone associated with this act is certainly not entitled to be called a human(e) being.

Mar 09, 2011 Look at those pads you stupid idiots!
by: Leah (England)

To anon. and Karin; have you looked at that paw? The little pads have been burned away for Gods sake! What sort of people are you!? Have you any concept at all about what the civilsed world thinks of you? Well I'll tell you! We think you are utter scum and we hate you with all our hearts because frankly those of us who love our cats (which clearly you don't!) are shocked and sickened. When I think of that poor cat waking up in agony I want to throw up!

Don't tell me that you would do this laser declaw better because I don't want to hear it! It shouldn't be done at all! You say they have less pain which means you've changed your tune because you are admitting that it is painful!

That little paw with even the pads burnt away how does that happen? I can't imagine seeing that picture that the cat would be in nothing but excruciating agony. You pro declawers are all in denial you should get help for your addictions to pain and suffering.

Mar 09, 2011 If you want a happy cat don't declaw
by: Michele S.

I think people like Karin and anonymous are missing the point - declawing by any means is unnecessary. As this article points out, claws are firmly embedded in bone because cats need them in order to live a happy and fulfilled life.

I don’t believe that domestic cats in North America are any more destructive than those in other countries, but I am coming to the conclusion that a lot of people in North America are uninformed or impatient when it comes to dealing with natural cat behaviours such as scratching. As a lifelong cat owner I have never come across one who couldn’t be taught claw manners. Some were good as gold and took to a scratch item straight away. With others I needed to be more imaginative in the variety of scratchers I offered, but eventually I would find something they enjoyed scratching.

Why don’t vets who declaw ever stop to question if their client is a suitable cat owner? Just because a person "insists" that their cat be declawed does not mean that the vet has to agree to perform the surgery. (Don’t forget that declawing is a purely elective surgery and not done for health reasons.) Those vets could just as easily say “no”, but then again once they’ve invested a large amount of money in laser equipment they want to recoup their costs somehow.

There are literally millions of people worldwide who live happily with cats and their claws. Why should we turn a blind eye to this form of animal abuse which is (if we‘re honest) performed purely for owner convenience?

Mar 09, 2011 To those who assist at maiming cats
by: Lover of cats claws

Blathering on about less pain and beloved pets tearing up houses and trying to justify your part in this cruelty makes me sick to the stomach.
Putting terrified kittens and cats through the uneccessary pain of burning off their toe joints is a despicable and inexusable thing to be part of.
Can't you find a better way of making your money because you are living on tainted money right now and for as long as you are any part no matter how small of this seriously major and evil surgery.

Mar 09, 2011 To the pro declaw idiots
by: Mrs M

So how come declawing is illegal in 38 countries and is a punishable offence yet it's allowed to happen,is in fact encouraged to happen by some butchers pretending to be vets in your country?
Do American cats not feel fear and pain and are they not disabled by declawing like cats in other countries?
Funny I thought cats were the same all the world over,beautiful animals born with claws because they need them.
Open your eyes you cruel ignorant idiots,YOU are accessories to a CRIME against Nature even if not a crime against the law.

Mar 09, 2011 To anonymous
by: Anonymous

If you think laser declawing is not so bad then I suggest you go and have your own finger ends lasered away and find out for yourself just how bad it REALLY IS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not the same?
Of course it's the same.
You assist in lasering away cats finger ends.
Go on,try it anonymous!

Mar 09, 2011 To anonymous
by: Angel O

So declawing just 'needs' to be 'done correctly' does it?
Done correctly wouldn't be done at all and it's not only about the loss of blood,it's about the consequences to the cats you help to mutilate.

How do you sleep at night?Do you never think of the HEALTHY parts of cats you throw in the trash and the needless fear and suffering you help to cause them?
Maybe you only care about the blood money in your wage packets?
Declawing doesn't 'need' to be done in other countries,so why yours?
The civilised world is DISGUSTED at this abuse of cats.

Mar 09, 2011 To Karin
by: Angel O

I've never yet known a cat destroy a house.
You say sometimes it's the only way someone can keep a beloved pet,you are joking I presume about the 'beloved' because no 'beloved' pet would be put through cruel major surgery.
The owners of those 'beloved' pets are unfit to have cats in their homes,that's the truth of it.
If 'nothing works' then it's the failing of the owner NOT the cat.
So stop your useless pro declaw propoganda in trying to justify your part in cat abuse.

Mar 09, 2011 You're wrong, declawing is one sided.
by: Maggie

Declawing is cruel, barbaric and unnecessary. Hence it's banned in 38 countries. There is nothing more to say, there is nothing good about declawing, the sooner you horrible pro declaws get that through your thick greedy heads, the better!

Mar 09, 2011 Karin and anonymous
by: Ruth

Are you the same person ?
That burned paw IS actually a REAL cat suffering as many do and even ONE cat ending up with burns like that is one cat too many.
You should be ashamed of yourself assisting at the amputation by whichever means of cats ESSENTIAL toe ends, it cripples them !!!
I can hardly believe you don't know the anatomy of a cat, well let a GOOD ethical vet who sticks to her oath to cause no animal sufering enlighten you:

Also take a look at and see declawing does NOT keep cats in their homes not forgetting the ones there don't include the kittens and cats KILLED or caged for life because of problems from declawing making them unadoptable.

You are condoning and assisting at pre meditated animal abuse which is banned in many countries because it is just that...ABUSE....
Of course it needs banning and it WILL be !!!!
(vet nurse who DOES know a cat's anatomy)

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Mar 09, 2011 Gutless
by: Barbara

Another gutless "anonymous" who wants to impart her/his superior knowledge about how much LESS painful laser declawing is, how much LESS bleeding there is, how much LESS recovery time (recovery from needless trauma that is!) and who reckons it's not SO BAD. Why don't you get it? Declawing is immoral, cruel, unnecessary and wrong, what the hell gives humans the right to amputate necessary parts of cat's paws?

And why if it's so desirable is it illegal in most modern countries?

There IS no correct way to rob an animal of vital parts, if you have been party to this in your work then you are as guilty as the one who used the scapel or the laser. Of course it should be banned. You haven't even mentioned the long term physical and psychological effects on the declawed cat, and that I conclude is because you really don't care and haven't the brains or compassion to think beyond your precious CO2 laser.

Barbara avatar

Mar 08, 2011 Not so bad
by: Anonymous

I am not for declawing with a scalpel blade, but in my experience, laser declaw results in less pain, bleeding and a quicker recovery time. I work in an animal hospital, which the doctors did preform declaws when the owners insisted on it. Those vets only used the laser and no other method, as it made the surgery more comfortable for the cat. With the CO2 laser it does remove from the top knuckle and up. I have seen many surgeries and not one have I seen any bleeding afterwards. I do not believe that declawing should be banned, it just needs to be done correctly.

Feb 16, 2011 Nothing is one sided
by: Karin

Its funny that they say a picture can say a thousand word. A picture taken out of context can say can say a thousand WRONG words. I dont know what happened to that cats paw but it looked nothing like any of the laser declaws I have ever seen. Yes the lasers surgery is a major amputation and is not something to be taken lightly. but it is not nearly as bad as this article make it out to be. I've worked at a clinic that does laser declaw for the past 6 years and while we dont recommend the surgery we understand for some people this is the only why that they can keep a beloved pet from destroying their house.

We recommend people to try behavior modification, regular nail trimming, and soft paws. But if nothing works then the laser when used by an experienced veterinarian makes for a much less painful surgery.

Nov 25, 2010 DIctionary
by: Michael

Yes, Michele, I think these vets need to attend a course on the English language and they should add one on ethics as well. And then go back for one on morality but I don't think that they would understand it.

Michael Avatar

Nov 24, 2010 They don't just cut prices - they cut toes off too!
by: Michele S.

"Properly done, declawing will provide the cat a lifetime of comfort". If unnecessary amputation and a lifetime of pain is what this vet clinic considers "comfort" then I don't think they've ever consulted a dictonary.

These vets and all the others who declaw are nothing more than money hungry, animal abusers. Their professional knowledge of feline anatomy means that they more than anyone else, understand what a cruel and disabling procedure it is.

Not one of them ever offers up behavioural advice, or point out that cats use their claws for things other than undesirable scratching.

Until a nationwide ban happens in the USA and Candad, we must continue to name and shame those who perform and promote this internationally recognised form of animal cruelty.

Nov 23, 2010 Fight this propaganda
by: Michael

I have updated this page in the light of the fact that some unscrupulous vets are presenting laser declawing as some sort of cure for the pain caused by the use of the knife when declawing!

Laser declawing is still declawing. It is the same thing - unethical and a breach of the vet's oath and the cat is still left mutilated and without a defense other than their teeth. It will cause pain too and people will still relinquish them when some cats find it uncomfortable to use conventional litter or use their teeth.

We must fight against this "repositioning" of the declaw business.

Michael Avatar

May 05, 2010 It has to stop
by: Kath

I am posting this article as my reply to people asking about laser declawing because it is so very informative.
Too many cats are being mutilated every day.

Apr 19, 2010 Shocked
by: Ann

I have just seen a link to this page on AboutCats and I am truly shocked by this dreadfully callous mutilation of cats.
I had no idea that declawing happens and that vets are pushing laser declawing instead of teaching their clients that cats by their very nature need their claws.
I shall be telling everyone I know about this.

Apr 01, 2010 Scumbag declaw vets
by: Rose

Those vets pushing declawing by laser are running scared.Now more people are finding out how cruel declawing is and the problems cats suffer from it,those scumbags are desperately pushing laser declawing to make money to pay for their fancy expensive machines while they can.
Whichever way you look at it,the cat ends up with no toe ends,crippled for life!
I've heard USA vets hate cats and I am beginning to think this is true.
To quote a final years vet student's method of treating an aggressive cat 'Hold him down by the scruff until he whimpers and mews'
I'd be afraid to take and especially to leave, any of my cats at a clinic which employed cruel people like that!
Be aware USA folks,vets are NOT Gods!
If you love your cat boycott declaw vets and make sure the ones you patronise really do care about cats.

Mar 29, 2010 Some "Expert" Vets Gladly Offer Laser Declaw
by: Donna

You may be right, but there are some unscrupulous veterinarians who portray themselves as "experts" and completely disagree. One veterinary clinic, Animal Specialty Group just outside of Los Angeles performs more declaws than ever and even states that laser declaw is better, less painful, and results in perferfectly nomal lives post-declaw!

Here is there weblink:

The owner of the clinic, Dr. Kirk Wenelburg has stated that he is not opposed even to feline declaw. We must alert local guardians NOT to patronize such unscrupulous clinics.

Feb 19, 2010 this is horrible
by: kathy

I thought the regular way of declawing is sick this is even sicker. For all you fans of declawing I worked in a vets office where they did this prcedure. YOu think it is so great well get this--- Even though the cat is put to sleep they SCREAM OUT when each claw is pulled out. And I mean they SCREAM. So dont tell me they dont feel it or how humane it is. I ran out of the office the first time I saw it done. I could not be in the office after that and the vet I worked for had to do this awful thing when I was on lunch. There is NOTHING HUMANE about having your cat declawed. My cats are so happy with the throw rugs I bought the other day they just cant stop clawing on them. That picture is horrible and people can be so cruel it is just sad.

Feb 17, 2010 "Laser De-Clawing"
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Thanks to Michael's "Pictures of Cats" i am genuinely learning about the cruelty towards some pet cats by so called loving "Pet Owners".Honestly, as a blogger and animal welfare activist through "blogging" i find "Pictures of Cats" the best
"Cat Site" for discussion and debates on cat health, care and atrocities, although it is more about American and European cat owners and cats.
Rudolph avatar

Feb 17, 2010 Thanks for more truth telling!
by: Susan

Dr. Jennifer Conrad once moderated a forum on Best Friends about declawing and had this (in part) to say to a poster whose cats personality changed after laser declawing (her vet said kitty wouldn't even miss anything cause he was only taking off such a little bit - what a crime - what a criminal).

"...Here are the plain facts that show that laser declawing is not less painful to cats:

A study reported in the September 1, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Association by Mison, et al., found that lasers offered no benefit over the more conventional methods of declawing, stating "differences in discomfort and complications between groups treated via scalpel versus CO2 laser were not clinically relevant."

Levy J, Lapham B, Hardie E, et al. (Evaluation of laser onychectomy in the cat (abstr), in Proceedings. 19th Annu Meet Soc Laser Med 1999;73) compared laser and blade onychectomy (declawing). Forty cats were randomly assigned (n = 10/group) to the following groups: no anesthesia (control), bandaged and anesthetized (control), blade onychectomy, or laser onychectomy.

Complications, behavioral changes, plasma cortisol concentration, and urine cortisol-to-creatinine ratios were evaluated up to 48 hours after surgery.

Complications (bleeding, limping, swelling, infection) were generally worse in the laser onychectomy group in the first 2 days after surgery but were equivalent thereafter...."

Feb 17, 2010 At last - the truth about laser declawing
by: Anonymous

I've also seen the "benefits" of laser declawing being promoted by people who obviously have no real understanding of feline anatomy.

It's shameful the lies that some vets will resort to in order to persuade clients that it's a pain free and humane procedure. They've a more vivid imagination than Hans Christian Anderson!

The sooner that declawing is made illegal nationwide in the USA and Canada the better. Then perhaps only people who genuinely like cats will adopt them. This system works in 38 other countries worldwide, so I don't see why it can't work in North America too.

Michele (UK)

Feb 17, 2010 Thanks for telling the truth
by: Jane A

I've been reading lately too about how 'humane' laser declawing is and how it's ONLY the claws they burn out. What a load of rubbish,I agree it's just propaganda to help vets earn more dollars to pay for their laser machines.
It disgusts me how low they will stoop.

Feb 17, 2010 To Crystal
by: Ruth

Good for you ! I love your passion !
Some of us in the UK and Australia have joined forces with the Americans who want declawing banned ! You will be most welcome to join us, we need people passionate about getting this cruelty made illegal !
I will email you links to our groups and to The Paw Project who are fighting for a ban.
Michael's PoC pages here are a wonderful place for educating those people who still don't know the truth about declawing.If you feel like writing a page yourself that would be good.
We also answer questions on Yahoo Answers and follow Google alerts and we have saved 93 cats claws in the USA and Canada this way, so far.
The biggest problem is that vets don't often tell their clients declawing is actually amputation,so most people get a shock when they find out just what they've had done to their cats and the physical and mental problems it can cause them.
We MUST get it banned and the sooner the better !!

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 17, 2010 Too true!
by: Babz

I agree Ruth, I get so tired of people getting excited about the marvellous new way to "remove claws" or "take the claws out", totally oblivious (or uncaring)as to the reality of declawing whatever means are used. Is is better to rob a cat of necessary body parts by burning them off rather than slicing them off? No, it's no different it's still the violation of a cat's body and it's still an act of extreme abuse. And whatever means ARE used the anaesthetised cat is totally in the hands of the person performing the multiple amputations, if that person is a learner or is less than competent then who knows what that cat is going to suffer!

Barbara avatar

Feb 17, 2010 To Crystal
by: Michael

Crystal, there are about 150 declaw pages on this site and some passionate anti-declaw people.

The law has changed in 8 Californian cites. I agree the changes should be much more widespread. The problem is deeply ingrained. The vets run the show and the rescue people and customers are under their spell.

It will take a change in culture to change the law nationwide. Please start by signing the online petition. Thanks for your support. Please join Ruth's anti-declaw Yahoo Group - she will probably tell you how to here.

Michael Avatar

Feb 17, 2010 Lets make declawing illegal!!!
by: Crystal Nordland (Minnesota)

I want to find a way to lobby against declawing and make it illegal and punishable by a large fine and/or jail time. I want it considered at least a misdemeanor. If anyone has any ideas on how to start the process of banning declawing and making it a law please email me at: NO SPAM please.

Crystal Nordland


  1. Janet, to add to what Michael rationally states, your argument is not rational. Neutering/Spaying do not impede the kitten/cat from living a long and healthy life. In fact, they do indeed have a much better quality of life.

    The territorial fights (sometimes to the death) are gone. The female no longer has to endure the stress of pregnancy, birthing, nursing, protecting. These stressors are intense for both male and female. Your argument is non-logical, nor kind.

  2. With respect I disagree. There are no occasions when declawing is acceptable except for exceptionally rare medical reasons. Neutering and spaying are carried out for a good reason – to control the population of the domestic cat and stop unwanted cats being born plus improve health and reduce territorial disputes for males. Declawing is solely for the convenience of the cat’s owner. There is a difference.

  3. While I agree declawing should not be considered until all other options are tried, there comes a time when the only option available is to declaw. Oddly, there doesn’t seem to be any discussion about spay or neutering animals as inhumane.

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