by Ruth
For declawing ? Then try it yourself !
There seems to be a few people with the mistaken idea that laser declawing is kinder because it 'just' removes the claws instead of the entire last joint of the cats toes. Maybe this is being put about by those pro declaw vets who bought expensive fancy laser machines expecting the money made from declawing cats to pay for it. Or maybe put about by their assistants who have blood money in their wage packets every month.
Lasering is a very intricate process which only skilled operators should carry out. So how many cats paws are mutilated not only by declawing but by declawing this way by an untrained operator?
Not only does the cat end up with no toe ends but he suffers scorched flesh and bone too (see photo below).

Scorched paw of cat declawed with laser
Photo: author unknown
To put it simply, cats claws are firmly embedded into bone because they were never meant to be removed! That bone contains claw cells from which new claws would grow painfully and crookedly if the bone was not removed.
There is no way to declaw a cat except by removing this last bone! Cats are born with claws firmly embedded in bone because they NEED claws to live the healthy fulfilled lives they have the right to live.
Those same vets use the tired old argument that more cats would end up in Rescue Shelters if their owners couldn't have them declawed. NOT SO!
People can go out and get a kitten, knowing full well they can have him declawed, no questions asked! A supposed to be last resort procedure is premeditated abuse done to little kittens by people who train as vets and take an oath to harm no animal. They break that oath every time they amputate a kittens toes by whichever means they use to do it. If declawing was not available, those people wouldn't get a kitten.
Only the people who know that scratching is necessary to a cat and would be prepared to teach their kitten how to use a scratching post, would have cats in their homes.
Declawing is an unnecessary, cruel operation done for selfish or misguided people by vets who most certainly should be educating their clients and thinking about the welfare of animals they were trained to help, rather than thinking of more money going into their bank accounts.
Update 23rd Nov. 2010 from Michael (Admin): I would like to write a short update.
There is no doubt that vets are under pressure about conventional declawing. This is in part thanks to all the wonderful visitors to PoC who fight for cats.
But they are using laser declawing to re-brand and re-market declawing as safe and painless.
A classic and horrible example is provided by the OWINGS MILLS ANIMAL AND BIRD HOSPITAL. This is what they say about laser declawing:
"THE GUILT FREE LASER DECLAW!...Properly done, a declaw will provide the cat a lifetime of comfort and allow him to be an inside pet without causing all the damage..."
They say that laser declaw seals nerves and blood vessels and "there is very little pain when they wake up".
This is an example of the vets fighting back to retain their all important income. Declawing is profitable and they don't really give a damn about the cat if they declaw, laser or otherwise.
Visitors to this page should be in no doubt that declawing is immoral and wrong. The fact that laser declawing is a complete breach of the vet's ethical code and oath is not referred to by this veterinarian.
For this vet to state that a declawed cat will have a lifetime of comfort is an extreme example of a vet who has completely lost his moral compass and who ignores the ethical side of veterinary surgery....
This animal hospital must be linked to the Pet Authority Animal Hospital as the same words and promotions are used. Here are two, one a letter and the other horrible vouchers promoting declawing. The letter is quite sick in saying "Guilt Free Laser Declaw". How immoral is that?!
Michael (I would like to thank Susan Woodhouse for telling me about this vet)
Janet, to add to what Michael rationally states, your argument is not rational. Neutering/Spaying do not impede the kitten/cat from living a long and healthy life. In fact, they do indeed have a much better quality of life.
The territorial fights (sometimes to the death) are gone. The female no longer has to endure the stress of pregnancy, birthing, nursing, protecting. These stressors are intense for both male and female. Your argument is non-logical, nor kind.
With respect I disagree. There are no occasions when declawing is acceptable except for exceptionally rare medical reasons. Neutering and spaying are carried out for a good reason – to control the population of the domestic cat and stop unwanted cats being born plus improve health and reduce territorial disputes for males. Declawing is solely for the convenience of the cat’s owner. There is a difference.
While I agree declawing should not be considered until all other options are tried, there comes a time when the only option available is to declaw. Oddly, there doesn’t seem to be any discussion about spay or neutering animals as inhumane.