by Ruth
This article is based on the following web page: The Advantages of Laser Declawing a Cat over a Standard Declaw. This article is about the advantages of laser declawing over other methods of declawing.
It explains the Resco clipper method, the disarticulation method and the laser method.
It says with laser surgery cats ‘seem’ to experience less pain.
Note ‘seem’ to (so they don’t know for sure) and experience ‘less’ pain, so they are actually admitting the cat does experience pain.
Also it says cats after laser declawing are ‘usually’ up and about next day. That’s not good enough, what about the cats that are not up and about next day? More hidden data of botched operations perhaps?
Nowhere does the article mention that cats need their claws for walking properly or for exercising their muscles.
As laser declawing is still the amputation of the last toe joints it disables the cat for life equally as much as any other method does.
No wonder declaw vets are pushing laser declawing, they’ve invested in very expensive machines and had training (hopefully) in how to use them. They want their money back and however many cats are crippled in the process of getting that money back, apparently isn’t important to them.
Instead of pushing laser declawing, all vets should be educating their clients as to the cruelty of this operation and informing them of the alternatives.
Any method of declawing is pre-meditated abuse done by people trained to help animals, not to disable them.
It’s high time the USA and Canada caught up with the rest of the civilised world where vets refused to declaw cats even when it was legal.
Credit to Maggie for suggesting the writing of this article but didn’t have time to do it herself.
Credit also to Michele for suggesting I write it.