There is no clear cut answer as to whether laser pointers can cause OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) in cats. The likely answer is that if a cat is stressed or predisposed to OCD, the condition may be triggered by playing with a laser pointer and extended play with the device makes it more likely. The cat would express his OCD through pointer play.
There is more anecdotal evidence on the internet about dogs being ‘messed up’ by playing with a laser pointer than there is for cats as far as I can tell. I have not seen a page on cats under this topic. There are reports of dogs becoming obsessed after one session with a pointer. They start chasing anything remotely like a pointer (e.g. glints or specks of light and reflections) or their behaviour changes for the worse generally (i.e abnormal behaviour).
They say the problem for dogs is that the pointer is silent and gives off no scent. The dog can’t process this as they expect noise and smell. Another problem is the well known one: frustration. It is impossible to catch the prey. These factors balled together do a dog’s head in causing a form of mental illness.
As a precaution it is best to limit laser pointer play. OCD is a mental illness, which I know of as being caused by anxiety and an obsessive need to control the environment as a means to make events more reassuring and less uncertain and scary. On that definition laser pointers don’t cause OCD.
A cat that is stressed for any reason may self-harm by over grooming. The places where the cat grooms are easy to get at which means the lower belly usually. The fur is removed symmetrically. This is said to be a form of OCD.
Perhaps a cat that is already suffering from OCD may latch onto the laser pointer as a means to express his mental health condition. But could a perfectly healthy and stable cat develop OCD from playing with a pointer too much?
It is possible it seems to me. The device is very compelling for a cat. Well, it is for my cat. If something is that interesting and stimulating common sense says that a cat will desire it a lot and that desire may get out of control. I am guessing but this may be more likely to happen if a cat is bored and normally under stimulated and then suddenly presented with laser pointer play.
If this form of obsession did occur it would not strictly be OCD on the face if it. It would be more of a strong habit. However, we as we don’t know all there is to know about OCD, I am speculating.
Quite right Dee, the moment one of our cats ask for attention they get it! The internet can wait. I don’t know why people get cats if they can’t be bothered to spend quality time playing with them. A laser toy is no substitute for a good old fashioned hands on game. Maybe some people have to work long hours, but surely spending some of their leisure time with their cat is more important than watching TV, going out socialising or whatever. Invent some games like we have in the poster and give the money saved on buying laser toys to a needy Cat Rescue Shelter instead.
Lasers are indeed dangerous to everyone’s eyes. Care must obviously be used…no “automated” junk. Yes they are nice when you dont, or cant, get outta bed or off the couch; depending on one’s own health and mobility. We have used lasers since they came out, different reactions from different cats. Some love it and do just fine, others like my current two already know that they can never catch the “light”, and now blankly stare at me like I’m an idiot, waving a laser around the room…lol. They did like it for a while though. If you have carpet its better, hard surfaces can reflect and you can unintentionally get their eyes. Besides a toy, they can also be very useful to lure out some “shy” cats if you get it right….Every toy is a “tool” of some sort…training a cat…fun huh? 🙂 Oh FWIW most of the time I spend on the internet my cat is planted right next to me as content as can be. Yes he is older, and his playing time is shorter than before, so he…like me…needs to “take it easy”…so to speak. I do not believe myself to be a “poor caretaker” because of this…no harm no foul…;)
I can’t help but comment on a cat toy that seems worthy of two articles. LOL!
Bottom line…
Caretakers have the immense responsibility of safeguarding their cats. It is their job to gain knowledge as to what is safe and what is not. If they are unsure, then the toy should remain on the shelf.
Anyone who let’s their cats have feathers, chicken bones, pieces of rope or yarn, or any small object needs to forfeit their cats. If they are too busy to be vigilent, they need to rehome their cats.
I read all of the time about people on the internet who are doing what they can to save any animal; however, they can’t be bothered to pay attention to their own.
That’s how the Julianne Westberrys come into play and why devilish PETA moves in.
If a person is spending more time on the internet than they spend with their cats, they are poor caretakers.
Cats generally have a shorter attention span than dogs which is reflected in their different hunting strategies. Dogs tend to pursue prey over greater distances, whereas cats are ambush hunters and quickly move onto another target if their intended prey gets away. These natural behaviours may go some way towards explaining why many dogs become obssessed with chasing laser pointers and other light reflections. (This problem has been known about since at least the 1980s).
We already know that indoor-only cats can develop Pica, because unable to hunt for real they become fixated on household items as substitute prey. So perhaps some cats could become obssessed with chasing laser dots or other lights if it’s their main or only outlet for hunting. I would term such behaviours as hunting disorders rather than OCD as seen in humans.
I should imagine it’s very frustrating for a cat never to be able to have a successful “kill”, which is the main reason I’ve never used laser pointers. Unless someone is physically disabled or has mobility problems, aren’t they just a convenience toy for owners?
my “kids” like the laser pointer, but it is not their sole form of enjoyment. . .with 12, they all play with multiple objects as well as each other. . . so in my case, I feel my “kids” are well balanced as far as playtime. . .♥♥♥