It is just a snapshot but a good one I think. But I would say that as I took it! This is where I have breakfast in the morning. You can see that I am about to prepare it because I have a folded tablecloth on the kitchen counter with The Sunday Times newspaper and my glasses.
The interesting aspect of the photograph is that Gabs moved to the tablecloth so that he did not have to feel the cold, stone counter under his feet. And on his bottom because he would have sat on it. It is just a small sign that cats feel cold or feel the touch of cold objects acutely but they are very stoic by nature. That’s why they put up with cold weather without complaint. This despite the fact that by inheritance they must prefer warm weather.
I like his open expression. He looks relaxed and content which he is as he gets a pile of loving all the time. His eyes are wide open as I used a makeshift tease to catch his attention and look up. I like the light in his eyes. So often cat photos are let down by a lack of light especially in the eyes.
Behind me are bifold doors leading to the garden. There was plenty of light falling on him despite the cloudy, dull weather. If there is one thing that amateur photographs ignore when photographing their cat it is the light. The lighting is vital to successful photography. Get light onto your cats, please before clicking the shutter release button! 🙂
The positioning of the light in Gabriel’s pupils is interesting. Michael, I didn’t pay attention to that before. Their weren’t two different sources, but it, well, how does that work? My Shrimptaro was blind in his left, and I cannot figure out how the light could be displaced? in one eye, while he’s looking upwards to his right. Please let explain, is this just a physiological that I’ve not noticed?
Gabriel appears to be an excellent study. Do you analyze, besides the cold surface, maybe it’s just as much the slight sound that the paper makes to their hearing, and it might be a positive reinforcement from life as a kitten? Soothing in it’s own right. I don’t know. Here’s King Arthur on his heavy duty wrap, which he dragged to his favorite front room spot, after he “stole” it from me I the bedroom: