Lawyer at Depp v. Heard trial suggests a cat does internet searches

Counsel for Amber Heard cross-examines an expert and questions whether a cat is carrying out Google searches
Counsel for Amber Heard cross-examines an expert and questions whether a cat is carrying out Google searches. Screenshot.

“You don’t know if it’s humans, bots, my cat doing the searches”

Above are the words of counsel for Amber Heard, as I understand it, in cross-examining an expert about Google search trends for Johnny Depp. This is the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard defamation trial which is currently being splashed all over social media, new media and the Internet generally. And it is interesting how the domestic cat can wheedle its way into this trial. Today, I published an article about cat memes based upon the trial (see link below). These are questionable in terms of taste and morality but they are entertaining.

RELATED: Cat meme videos of Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard defamation trial

This video is interesting in that the lawyer cross-examining the expert felt it appropriate to introduce his cat into his questioning. I don’t think he has a cat actually. The point that he is making is that ‘Google Trend’ results are based upon the number of searches for a particular item and Google doesn’t say whether those searches have been carried out by a ‘bot’ or a real person. What the lawyer is saying is that it could be an automated electronic search and not Mr Smith from Idaho (a fictional character) searching for information about Johnny Depp. Or, it could be a cat 😎. On second thoughts it can’t be a cat but the point has been made.

Below are some more articles on cats in videos.

P.S. My personal view is that Amber Heard is lying and using her acting skills to good effect.

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