Legislation to Ban Cat Declawing Introduced by Assemblywoman

Manhattan Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, a Democrat, wants declawing to be banned in New York State except when the operation is carried out strictly for medical reasons concerning the cat’s health and welfare. She has introduced a bill (proposed legislation) to try and meet her objective.


Her bill is yet to be presented to the state Senate but it is backed by the Humane Society of New York and the The Paw Project.

I am sure it will also be backed by many Americans living in the state of New York and outside who understand that the declawing operation is cruel when done for the convenience of the owner. It is not infrequently carried poorly resulting in complications leading to long term pain and secondary health issues.

Linda Rosenthal is a first class animal advocate and a prolific writer of new legislation protecting animals. She recently successful introduced legislation to outlaw tattooing and the piercing of pets in New York State.

I understand that Gov. Cuomo recently signed that legislation into effect after it was approved in June 2014.

I wish her the very best in creating this new law. It’ll be a hard one to introduce because the vets will fight it with all the usual weak arguments such as the operation saves lives by stopping abandonments. This argument has been debunked frequently.

You may remember that 8 cities in California have banned declawing. As yet, there is no statewide ban in the USA.

Please try and support this lady.

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8 thoughts on “Legislation to Ban Cat Declawing Introduced by Assemblywoman”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I totally agree Michele. Just the process of debating a bill on banning declawing in New York State is good. If by a miracle (I think it will take a miracle but she is good at introducing this sort of legislation) the bill becomes law it could quite likely lead to the beginnings of a nationwide ban state by state.

    This one needs to be watched and supported. Dr Jennifer Conrad of The Paw Project notified me of it and asked to spread the word.

  3. **dancing a jig**
    Sure do hope the ban is successful. It’ll save a lot of cats’ paws and be a good example for the other states.

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