Leo of ‘Pet Sematary’ fame dies of a congenital heart defect common in Maine Coons

It’s with great sadness that Leo, one of the cats who played Church in the recently released remake of Pet Sematary, has died.

Pet Sematary cat dies
According to Instagram, Leo died from arterial thromboembolus (ATE)

Leo’s adopter and trainer, Kirk Jarrett, announced the news on Instagram Wednesday.

“Our family thanks everyone for all your heartfelt responses. This has been very difficult on our family.

Leo passed away from arterial thromboembolus (ATE), also known as “saddle thrombus,” a congenital heart defect that the Maine Coon breed can be prone to.

Pet Sematary cat

Leo lived an incredibly joyful life. In his honour we look forward to sharing some of our fondest memories of Leo.

In loving memory may Leo Rest In Peace”

Leo became famous as the poster child of Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Widmyer’s adaption the Stephen King classic where he played the undead version of Church that gave a terrifying stare in the promotional material.

Pet Sematary cat dies

Rest in Peace, Leo (Instagram)

It’s unclear how old Leo was but his owner stated in a 2018 interview that Leo was ‘still growing.’ Maine Coon cats take several years before reaching full size.

Rest in Peace, Leo. Another beautiful celebrity cat taken too soon.

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P.S. The condition describes a blood clot (‘thrombus’ – which forms in the heart) which lodges at the base of the aorta as it branches into 2 arteries. Blood flow to the hind limbs is obstructed. For anyone interested I have added some details about this condition and how it can cause sudden deathplease click this.

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