

by Audrey Smith
(Columbus Ohio, America)

My cat Lewis has never really liked other cats. One day, as always, Lewis was asleep on the couch.

“Lewis!” Shrieked Roy, my little brother. He ran up to Lewis and wrapped his arms around Lewis’s face. Lewis jumped off the couch and ran to the front door.

“Mow! Mow!” he mewed. I walked up to him.

“Lewis, you silly kitty, would you like to go outside?” I asked him.

“Mow,” he pleaded, rubbing against my legs. I opened the door and he fled outside. I watched him go and sat down to eat lunch. Lewis was an outside cat, but he always came back for food.

“Where’s Lewis?” Roy asked, walking up to me.

“He went outside,” I answered.

“Oh,” Roy’s face fell. “Can I go outside too?”

“Of course.”

“Goodbye,” and Roy raced out the door. He would probally run around for a few minutes, not be able to find Lewis, and come back inside complaining he was exhausted and asking to watch T.V. I shoved a mouthful of sun chips into my mouth, and chewed, thinking about a big test I had in science on Monday, when-

“Audrey! Help!” Roy raced back inside, his face flushed. “Lewis needs help!” An erie yowling was coming from outside. I ran outside to see Lewis, his fluffed out fur making him look huge, facing a pretty little tabby and white tom-cat. The tom-cat looked pretty scared to me. “Are you sure he needs help?” I looked at Roy.

“Well… the other kitty needs help,” Roy replied. It was true. Lewis was scaring the tom-cat, hissing at him and making him slowly back away. I walked over and plucked Lewis off the ground.

“Mmmwp!” He complained. I knew he liked to scare the other cats in the neighborhood.

“Silly kitty,” I told him. I took him inside, Roy trailing us, and set him on the couch. Roy sat next to him and began stroking his fur. Lewis rolled onto his back and fell asleep in the sun. (This is a true story.)


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May 09, 2011
Great writing!
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

Excellent little story– I enjoyed reading it very much! It reminded me of a typical day with my cat Monty. He likes to try to scare the neighbor’s little dog, but just after he stopped bothering Oscar and ran to our front yard a lady was walking by with two really, really huge dogs and Monty puffed up to three times his size and went running for our back door. The lady said, “He looks just like our cat.” I thought, “Your cat is all puffy?” (I don’t think that’s what she meant.)

Keep writing! I hope you share some more stories!

May 08, 2011
by: Ruth

Audrey I love your story, you should write some more about the adventures of Lewis (or any other cat) as you are a very talented writer !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 08, 2011
Typical cat
by: Anonymous

I like this because it is a nice little short story that says a lot about the domestic cat and our relationship with him or her.

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