Lily, a rescued dwarf cat, needs your help. Please spread the word.

By Nancy Manning

The cat in the video is Lily. She is six-years-old and weighs about 4 pounds. She was a stray abandoned by a “normal” mom. She was not bred as a dwarf. Lily was found by my daughter in June 2009. She was four-weeks-of-age at that time. She was found in the corner of my daughter’s apartment building, abandoned by her mother. My daughter took her in and discovered over time that she was a dwarf cat. Dwarf cats can have anatomical defects and her deformities have become life-threatening. Her colon is not functioning properly. She needs enemas and the treatment can cause discomfort.




As she has some serious health problems we are trying to raise money for an MRI scan and then surgery. We have a campaign going on GoFundMe for just the price of the MRI. The MRI scan is an important stage in getting Lily into good health.

We are so in love with Little Lily and so saddened by her sudden health issues. She has brought us so much joy that we just want to do everything we can to fix her.

This page has been written to publicise Lily’s plight and to see if it can widen the pool of people who are aware of her needs so that the crowdfunding becomes more successful. It should be said that at present $1405 has been raised out of the target of $3000 so there has been considerable success already.

dwarf cat health problems x-ray

You can read more about her health problems and visit the funding site by clicking here.

Please comment on Facebook as well as it helps spread the word – thanks.

1 thought on “Lily, a rescued dwarf cat, needs your help. Please spread the word.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Such a darling and with issues that are no fault of hers or anyone.
    It’s mind boggling that a cat MRI could exceed the cost of a human one.
    What a racket!
    I hope that she gets what she needs.

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