Lion vs Tiger – This is a Great Article

Lion vs Tiger – This is a Great Article

by Sam
(Orlando, Florida, U.S.)

Magnificent tiger - fine photo by unifiedphoto (Flickr)

Magnificent tiger - fine photo by unifiedphoto (Flickr)

I know everyone that has posted here has written that the lion is the stronger and therefore the winner, but I have to tell you the truth. The tiger would win, and everything on this site is copied and written on numerous sites that I have researched. See original Lion vs Tiger article.

Personally, whoever I saw would win, I would accept that, and I understand why you all think the lion would win.

The lion is the "King of the Jungle." First of all, it doesn't live in the jungle, except for the ones in the Gir Forest.

Also, they are not as big as the tigers. Maybe their roar is louder, but I have to tell you, the roar has nothing to do with strength.

I just wanted to add another fact about lions and tigers. The lion can only swipe with one paw at a time because of the weak hindquarters. Also, the myth about the tiger's stronger hindquarters and the lion's stronger forequarters is not true.

The tiger has better hindquarters, and the forequarters are the same. People may say that the lion has a more powerful swipe, while the tiger's fast jabs mean nothing, but rarely does the lion actually land the swipe on the tiger.

Either the tiger is continuously hitting, or it is easily dodging the attacks. And the continuous jabs cause the lion to fall down. I have seen it in numerous videos that people have posted. Also, the mane doesn't really protect the lion. The tiger easily crushes the thin fur and hits the throat, killing the lion.

I am not at all trying to insult the lion. It is a great animal, and was the first one named the king of beasts, but I'm sorry to say that it has been proven otherwise.

This is a great article, and it goes with what all the others that I have read say.


Hi Sam.. thanks for the support. You are the first to back my assessment.

But as you infer, my assessment is based on careful research and thought from excellent sources.

Original Flickr photo

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Lion vs Tiger - This is a Great Article

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Mar 17, 2012
Not quite true! NEW
by: Prime

Here's a some Animal Experts that say that lions usally always win against the tiger.

The Memoirs of Cleopatra
“They took on tigers, bears, bulls, and wild boars. Usually the lion won. page 284” (BOOK)
1.Animal Expert Dave hoover said lions majoritly always win against tigers.
2.Indian zooligist an big cat Expert Jan sahib says lions always win.
3. Animal Trainer and Expert Louis roth favors the lion over the tiger in a fight.
4. Animal Expert Alfred court favors the lion over the tiger in a fight.
5.Animal expert John helliot favor’s the lion over the tiger in a fight.
6.Animal Expert Dave salmoni says h’ed give the edge to a lion in a fight with a tiger.
7.Animal Expert and God father predator tamer Clyde beatty says lions will win more fights with tiger’s.
8.Animal Expert an tamer Oliver goldsmith ranked the lion over the tiger.
9.Animal Expert an Tamer Courtney cooper said lions usally win more in tiger fight’s.
10.Animal Expert Geroge buffon picked lions over tigers in a fight.
And here's some real documented accounts, of lions killing tigers 1 on 1.
1.Gieniuss books/Animal facts, Lion named Nero killed Tim the tiger in an australian zoo.(Documantry)
2.1936 Agartala zoo in bengal, a lion kills a tiger.(Local news report)
3.1935 Sikestonians saw a lion kill a tiger in a local town circus act.(Documentry)
4.1934 2 tigers died, In the movie devil tiger from a lion-(Video)
5.1955 oct, 6 Natrual history society, Page 465-468, 3 seperate accounts lion won all 3.(Documentry)
6.1960 Korea pitfights Male lions won majority of all fights.( Hidden news Report)
7.1981 Martin. L Albert witnessed a lion kill a tiger.(Documentry)
8.1954 Lion kills tiger with one blow in boltimore zoo.(Documantry)
9.1935 In the town Bedford masachusetts a Zoo lost a tiger to a lion.(Local news)
10.Gir foreset 3 tigers vs 3 lions, all lions won. (Video) -Youtube-
11.2011 Korea two teen lions killed a adult Bengal tiger in an encloser.(Video)- Youtube-

Jul 14, 2010
Your Right
by: Vinay

Your right.. In all sites which says or who ever say Lion will will have never proven anything. They've just a old myth about Lions and have said Lions will win. But careful research and examination reveals TIGERS were are and will be the winner.. After all its the ultimate Cat...

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