Lion vs Tiger

lion vs tiger
Lion vs Tiger – Lion photo by Samuel Judge – Tiger photo by Captain Chickenpants

I have added a voting poll. You’ll see that the majority of people believe that tigers win!

lion vs tiger free polls 

You can also make comments freely at the base of the page if you wish. These are a true reflection on voting. Some people double voted etc but these have been removed so what is left is accurate…

Lion vs tiger vote
Lion versus Tiger vote results July 2012
In a fight between a lion and tiger, on average the tiger is more likely to is my argument………


You disagree? Please say why in a comment. Click here to see visitors’ submissionThis submission by Leonardo in South Africa is probably the best and conclusive.

I thought I would enter the discussion on this subject. It is of interest to people as it pitches two dominant predators against each other. It is a bit like one of those cult moves, Gonzilla vs King Kong. There are videos on this subject. They are, understandably, of tigers fighting lions in captivity. They are just big cats imprisoned in relatively small spaces, which leads to scuffles, but they are not fights to the death or really serious fights. Certainly there are no winners.

It is unnatural for a lion to fight a tiger as it would not happen in the wild. The lion occupies Africa (its range is being eroded by people). It is also present in India in the Gir Forest on the west coast in small numbers.

The tiger lives in Asia, meaning India going west to Indonesia and China. Except for the Gir Forest lions, these dominant predators live thousands of miles apart. They also live in different habitats. The lion lives in woodlands, shrub, dry forest and even desert while the tiger lives in a wide range of habitats from the rainforests (e.g. Sumatran tiger) to the birch woodlands of Siberia (Siberian tiger). The lion lives in drier habitats.

lion vs tiger fighting engraving

lion versus tiger

If they did live in the same place they would no doubt find ways to avoid each other or at least minimize conflict. Conflict amongst equal or near equal predators is not wise as it compromises survival. The cheetah, for example, usually gives up its kill to say hyena because of the possibility of becoming injured even slightly which would severely reduce its capacity to run. And fast running is how the cheetah survives. And the humble domestic cat if he or she is an outdoor cat will try and avoid territorial disputes by marking its range (a from of communication) with scrapes and sprays.

However, at a theoretical and fun level, the only real way to figure out who would win a lion vs tiger fight (which is what people want to know, I think) is to try and work it out based on their various skills and strengths.

Lion vs Tiger..Update:

On occasions in the past lions have been forced to fight tigers. These were staged. On a more informal and far less serious nature, at the Bronx Zoo in the 1950s a lion cub called Zambezi and a young tiger named Range who were raised together faught occasionally and Range always won due to being a smarter and better fighter. In the days of the European menageries of the rich and kings (middle ages and beyond), lions were sometimes made to fight tigers. We are told that, “apparently the tigers always won….”

(Sunquist – Wild Cats Of The World -page 287 –  the premier book on the wildcats)

Update 16th Sept 2010:

There have been three very good submissions by visitors on the Lion vs Tiger debate. Here they are:

Lion vs tiger – lion wins – this is a monster page full of detail. Have a drink before you tackle this one.

Tiger would win 80% of fights with lions

The experts say the tiger wins the lion versus tiger fight

Some comments from visitors:

“I thought the lion would win but this changed my mind but I still wished the lion won. Lions all the way!!”

“As you said the tiger hunts alone…while the lion hunts in groups and this is the how it happens in nature. So there is prey like the adult elephant that the tiger can’t bring down but I saw a pack of lions kill an adult elephant. So when you say that “tigers kill any animal” it is wrong but it is correct to say that lions kill any animal. Also if they met in nature most probably the tiger would be killed because the lion always lives in a pride .. and most of time in each pride is between 1-2 male lions and sometimes 4. Also like as you said most of the time there will be no fight .. because one of them will run because of the fear of injury. And the male lion has an advantage in his shape. In the animal world external appearance is important .. the male lion has a scary appearance because of the mane. If a fight happened, the most important factor is the size and the tiger wins on this point. But as I said early, in nature tiger would most probably encounter a group of lions and he would never win because of that.”

Ahmed (from Libya) Yousef from Kuwait makes a strong case for the lion: Lion Wins nearly all the Lion vs Tiger Fights

“My favorite family of animals has always been the cat family from a young age. In the cat family, I have always liked the tiger better than the lion. I have done a report concerning this problem before, and nearly all the websites I’ve visited supported the tiger, that is with the exception of favourites. TIGERS!!!”

Cheng Ming (from China)

“I do have a comment. While, it can be generally considered that the Tiger has more qualities to deem it the winner. I think, that since both the Tiger and the Lion are closely matched up it may depend on the animal itself. For instance, if a young un-experienced tiger is placed against a naturally more agressive lion. The chances are the lion would prevail. It may come down to the animal itself and it’s behavioral characteristics coupled with experience. A lion in a zoo may not fair so well with a wild aggressive tiger. Just a thought!”

Ali (California, USA)

“Always lion wins …..u have seen that chinese fabricated videos lion has more experience than tiger so lion only wins i haved stuied the behaviour of lion and i studied the behaviour of tiger so i believe lion wins…”
Madhusudhan (Bangalore)

“Tigers can kill any animal…This is to correct an earlier statement that tigers cannot kill elephants when in fact they have been known to bring down young elephants on their own whereas it takes the whole pride of lions to take down an adult elephant. To me that further proves that the tiger would win.”

Lynnal (Zimbabwe)

  • the biggest african lion: 375 kg
  • the biggest siberian tiger: 423 kg
  • longest african lion: 270 cm (without tail)
  • longest siberian tiger: 290 cm (without tail)
  • longest jump in the distance a african lion: 10 m.
  • longest jump in the distance a siberian tiger: 9 m
  • african lion running speed: max. 80 km/h
  • siberian tiger running speed: max. 60 km/h

I think the lion would have won.

Damian (Poland)

Initially, I thought that the outcome would be a draw – but I changed my mind. In reality, however, either one would back off or the loser would have been young and inexperienced or perhaps ill. That said a comparison of factors that make each a great predator might be useful in deciding the outcome of a lion vs tiger contest.

Here is a table comparing the lion and tiger in respect of factors (I have called them “fight factors”) that might help us decide who would win in a lion vs tiger fight. This is summarized. The information comes from Wild Cats Of The World, the premier book on wild cats. Also please remember that the Sumatran tiger is the smallest tiger and the Siberian the biggest. There is more detail below the table:

Fight FactorLionTigerWinner – lion vs tiger
Size – weight – see Wild Cat Species by Size for a full list of wild cat sizesMax weight: 216 Kg1Max weight: 320 Kg1Tiger
Fighting ability“ a variety of prey….”“Tigers kill any animal…”Tiger
Climbing ability“..not particularly adept climbers…”“Tigers rarely climb trees…but can and will”Tiger
Swimming ability“quite capable swimmers…”“Tigers swim well….”Tiger
Jumping ability“..jump fences 2-3 metres high..”“Jumping ability well developed..”Draw
Bite strengthbite force quotient (BFQ) = 112bite force quotient (BFQ)= 127Tiger
What the experts saytigers are favoured over a lion – 75% of experts favor the tiger – source: National GeographicTiger


Video – lion vs tiger

I don’t really believe in any video of a lion versus tiger fight. They are going to be artificial as these cats never normally meet each other in the wild.

Climbing ability

Climbing ability indicates athleticism and cats are generally skilled climbers. Forest dwelling cats are better climbers than ground living cats. The tiger is more of a forest dwelling cat I think it fair to say, although habitats for both are wide. (see the master climbers: Margay and Clouded leopard).

The tiger has demonstrated some impressive climbing skills that are recalled in Wild Cats Of The World by the Sunquists:

  1. A tiger raced up a tree pulling down a person who was doing research. He was 4.6 metres of the ground (15 feet).
  2. Adult tiger climbs smooth barked tree to 10 metres (32 feet).

Lions when young can be “quite good climbers”.

Jumping ability

The tiger can jump (at a maximum it seems) from 8 to 10 metres (10 metres = 32 feet). More typically they jump around 4-5 metres. Lions have been observed to jump fences 2-3 metres high.

Fighting ability – Tiger vs Dogs

Tigers are generally the dominant predator (the authors, the Sunquists, of Wild Cats Of The World say). So they are not always on top. And a pack of wild dogs although only weighing 20 kg each can overcome a tiger and kill it. Here are two dramatic and sad descriptions of such events.

Dholes wild dogs
Dholes or Asiatic wild dogs – photo by yathin

A pack of 22 Asiatic wild dogs or dholes drove a tiger into a dried stream. The tiger protected his back with a tree. The dogs attacked and were repelled by the tiger. Five dogs were killed or badly injured and the tiger was badly hurt in this first attack. The tiger’s ears were torn, its body cut and an eye was closed. The dogs harassed the tiger for one hour and attacked again. The tiger repelled the attack but was hurt more. The third attack killed the tiger. Twelve dogs were killed and many others badly wounded.

In another wild dog attack on a tiger in southern India the following happened. The pack of dogs attacked the tigress from different angles and the tigress gradually became tired. The tigress in desperation at hearing more dogs arriving charged at two of the dogs and killed one with a swipe of its paw. The dog’s spine cracked like a whip. The tigress escaped but was eventually torn to bits about five miles away by the full pack of wild dogs.

Both are excellent examples of the hugely courageous and fierce fighting ability of the tiger. The tiger has been described as, “more of a wrestler than a runner..”. And it is built to pull down prey several times its own size.

Now to the lion, which is equally as courageous and as dynamic a fighter. Perhaps a useful comparison would be of the size of prey these two big cats hunt and pull down. This may help in assessing a lion vs tiger fight but it is a rather vague guide. Note: the prey that is available is a factor in this assessment.

Lion vs TigerMaximum weights of prey in KilogramsWinner
LionGiraffes (716)
Hippos (500)
Buffalo (500)
Cape Buffalo (600 – 900)
TigerAverage weight of tiger kills (Nagarahole National Park) was 401 kgs including several at 1000 kilograms (estimated). Moose killed by tigers weigh between 500 – 820 kgsTiger – just
A visitor made this point:“I would like to mention that lions usually hunt in groups and single lions would have a lot of trouble with any of the animals listed in the prey (especially hippos). Alone, they can only take down smaller prey such as wildebeest (max ~300 kg) and, if they can catch them, antelope and gazelles.”Comment: This supports the tiger in a lion vs tiger fight, I would have thought.

Note: the tiger probably just wins this round! But this is not a very scientific assessment. And it is very close. Also lions hunt in groups and alone, which complicates this comparison. Also lions and tigers get killed by large prey. For example, the water buffalo and gaur can and do kill attacking tigers.

Both lion and tiger hunt and kill very large animals but also eat small animals. Lions regularly catch antelope fawns.

What Do Lions Eat.


Bite Strength

This is a comparison of bite strengths for various animals. The bite strength or force listed here takes into account the size of the animal so it is a direct and fair comparison (i.e. a compensation for animal size is built in). In a lion vs tiger test of bite force, the tiger wins – just.

Tasmanian devil181
African hunting dog142
clouded leopard137
grey wolf136
cheetah 119
bobcatsee hybrids100
brown bear78


Swimming ability

The lion has been observed swimming across the Okavango river and other major rivers.

Okavango river
Okavango river Africa – photo by rishon-lezion

The tiger swims well and probably is more water orientated than the lion living as it does in wetter climates. Tigers have been observed swimming to islands in the Sunda Straights (Wild Cats Of The World). The Sunda straight has tidal currents of more than 4 kilometres per hour. It is between Sumatra and Java.

Of the more major islands in this straight, Pulau Legundi is about 2.2 miles from the mainland and another island, Pulau Sebuku is about 5 miles from the mainland. However there are smaller islands that are much nearer at an estimated 300 yards to just under a mile from the mainland. This, though, is very impressive swimming for a cat! This is the sea not a river. See map below:

Sunda Straight between Sumatra and Java
Sunda straight – Lion vs Tiger – Wikipedia commons – author ChrisO

Tiger out swims the lion

Sunda Straight
Sunda Straight – photo by soulsurfer3

In a lion vs tiger contest the tiger out swims the lion.

Conclusion: Tiger wins a lion vs tiger fighting contest.

Note: 1. Wild Cats of the World by Mel and Fiona Sunquist

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page…

Lion Versus Tiger Bite Force 
Bite Force – New bite force research, done by Animal Planet, reveals that the tiger has a much stronger bite force that the lion. The lion has a bite …

This is kinda funny… 
I won’t lie to you; I am not an expert, in fact, I’m only a senior in high school. BUT, I HAVE taken many courses in Biology and I’ve read my fare share …

Lion is a better fighter than a tiger 
In most video that I have seen between lions & tigers (with the exception of biased edited video), the lion wins! Tigers are great cats second only to …

Tiger vs Lion : Who would win? 
A lion would win 60% of the lion vs tiger fights. These are my reasons. It’s quite a strong subject matter to bring up, but seeing as many people …

Two visitors say lion would beat tiger in a fight 
A tiger is king in the his jungle but the lion is king of all beasts. After all the Panthera Leo Persica invaded Bengal tiger territory. Lion’s bite for …

Jesus the Lion of Judah 
In a hypothetical lion versus tiger fight , I do not believe the Tiger would win… Your expert picks are not accurate. During Tiger week on Animal …

Tigers would win 80% of fights with lions 
This article is good, no doubt about it, but I would like to say that taking into consideration the average weights of lion and the tiger would be better …

Lion vs Tiger: Your facts don’t match the experts 
The first thing is there is no way to truly compare the two because of all the the sub-species, the largest of tigers are bigger than the the largest lions….

I say a lion beats a tiger in a fight 
Most articles are biased towards tigers. I prefer tigers to lions but looks and size are not going to win a fight for you. I love tigers but there is no …

A Lion Wins in Lion Versus Tiger Fight 
Hello to all lion vs tiger fans, here are some reasons that attest that a male lion is a winner in 9 of 10 fights (comparing African lion to any type of …

Lion Wins nearly all the Lion vs Tiger Fights 
I don’t agree at all with you…it seems that you show so much wrong information. And you believe the Chinese who fabricated so many video tapes to prove …

Lions could easily defeat a Tiger in a fight to the death 
There’s no doubt that Lions could easily defeat a Tiger in a fight to the death – if both opponents were of equal stability at beginning of fight. It …

Your Lion Versus Tiger Assessment is Rubbish 
If these two predators did ever meet in the wild the lion would win as they live in a pride and tigers are solitary. As for the prey table there has been …

All things being equal a lion will win all lion vs tiger fights 
Lion would almost always win against tigers. This was true in the Roman period. In fact, there was only one recorded case of a tiger defeating a lion in …

The tiger will win every time it faces a lion 
Tigers are more skilled hunters than lions. Tigers can bring down large preys alone whereas, it takes several lionesses to do the same. So, even …

Lions Wins No Question in Lion vs Tiger  
A friend of mine is a zoo keeper and i personaly study both animals . The male fully grown fully maned african lion has no equal.He is the best …

Lion wins with Tiger of same size
I agree the Tiger is (Siberian) probably one of the top 3 predators on the planet. A big male Siberian will way over 600 pounds and I think because of …

The experts say the tiger wins a tiger vs lion fight 
Hey there people, we can debate all day long, but the truth hurts.. for lion fans. I have emailed various experts, wildlife research institutes, zoos,…

Lion vs Tiger article is well researched 
I just got done watching the Animal Planet show Animal Face-off: Lion Vs. Tiger, and the program was so off the wall, they did not take into account things …

Historically Lions Nearly Always Win Fights with Tigers 
Historically lions nearly always win fights with tigers and other large species. Historical documents prove this time and time again. Although tigers …

Tiger versus Lion  
Ok, well if there were to be a fight between a full grown male Siberian tiger, and a full grown male African lion, I would say the tiger would claim victory….

Tiger vs Lion fight – who is the winner? 
Answer of scientist: the male Tiger vs male Lion – 90% chance the tiger is winner because the tiger is bigger and stronger than lion.The weight …

Lion vs Tiger – This is a Great Article 
I know everyone that has posted here has written that the lion is the stronger and therefore the winner, but I have to tell you the truth. The tiger would …

Lion vs tiger – the most recent account happened in a Turkish Zoo! 
Who’s the king of the jungle? Who would win the lion versus tiger fight? An old question about inter-species conflict has, unfortunately, been answered …

Lion – Person vs Person Conflict  Not rated yet
People disagree about the lion vs tiger debate. This is classic.

Lion vs Tiger – Lion wins most times  Not rated yet
In this debate I’m going to cover just basic’s on the lion, we don’t need to cover attribute’s of minor weight and power because they are basically anatomically …

Tiger all the way!  Not rated yet
Tiger won almost every time when they fight against lions. Now, I’m gonna tell you the main trick.  I have read in books that tigers have good jumping …

Lions are always at the top even when they lose  Not rated yet
Most tiger fans make me laugh: they are ignorant. Mostly are Chinese and/or Asians whom they never saw a male African lion in a fight. The size of the …

Lion wins in a lion versus tiger fight  Not rated yet
In my opinion the staged Korean and Chinese fights are just that, staged by either fighting young, ill and underfed lions. Having lived there this is not …

A male lion will always fight to protect the pride  Not rated yet
I don’t agree with your argument that a tiger will win a lion versus tiger fight. You seem to miss some fundamental points. The female lions do all of …

The male lion would easily kill a tiger  Not rated yet
A friend of mine is a lion trainer at Marine World in Vallejo, CA. where they have lots of tigers and lions. They work with each day. I asked him if …

Lion Would Win Most Conflicts With A Tiger  Not rated yet
I like the debate, the truth is tigers would likely avoid conflict, while lions would start one. Tigers are heavier & stronger but not larger and faster,…


40 thoughts on “Lion vs Tiger”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Even the lion/bear conflicts info grew a bit:

    I think most people ignore lions with their social system fight and gain more experince/skill/knowledge of combat, a bear or tiger fighting their own kind is a rare event, on a basis of year to year or season to season with them, for lions its a week to week basis. This is the only explaination why there are some 100 videos of lions fighting lions in the wild compared to the one or two fights of bears/tigers fighting there own kind in the wild.

    Quite impressive in terms the lions feats, he might not be the biggest, the heaviest, the longest ect…but he sure is good at fighting. People often say the tiger is the better hunter, but these same people havent the slightest clue in their eco-prey system, I dident even know till lately lions hunt over 100 different types of sub-specific ugalates, tigers only around 20 or so, you could combine all the sub-species of bears and tigers and still wouldnt get just as half as much as the lion has on his menu, a hunter with a more diverse prey accumilation will no dought be the better hunter overall.

    What do tigers/bears hunt that is as tall as a giraffe, as heavy as a bull elephant, as formidable as a white rhinocerous, as dangerous as a herd of cape buffallo, or as aggressive as hippos? Grizzlys hunt fish berries, honey, grass, those things wont quite embed any heigher skills of combat in terms a evolution stand point.

    I can see why almost every major flag on the planet has the lion on it for over a thousand years + :

    I can’t imagine how much records there is on each culture has seen on the lions capabilitys, these animal accidental or purposed conflicts are not as rare as people make it out to be, I think the problem is most want to play the role of expert and try and implement their own bias views instead of just seeking out the truth.

  3. Thanks for leaving an interesting comment. I am interested. I hope you are well. It is nice to hear from you again. I’ll look into what you say and maybe do a page on it.

  4. Hey Michael, hows it goin…a while back I found something interesting and I thought you’d like to read it, its a account of a lion and tiger encounter in the wild of india in the state of Gujarat of the district Surat near the tapti river in the early 18th century. A full back ground check on the eye-witnesers via Herne peregrine and Robert Barill and it checks out as the book is part of Hernes life as one of the first american hunters to travel the world and document his hunts, the entire autobiography is quite extensive from his hunts in africa, america and asia, Without telling you the verdict I’ll let you read it your self to see what happen, heres a book archive of some abstracts, you can flip through the pages until you reach Lion-Tiger-Conflict as it ends on P.204(213):

    Quite interestingly most people think lions are no match for the larger sub-species of tigers like the bengal, but on record even female tigers and…leopards, have killed male bengal tigers:

    Which is quite the comedy, being the leopard is some 1/4th the weight of a good sized bengal…extending that gesture it seems tiger supporters suggest that all the more potent data is in asia, where the tiger cheifly resides, and the tiger took the win nearly every time as most websites claim, yet in the newer info posted a few back of information specifically from asia, almost all the records that could be shown with actual root sources, showed the opposite in terms Asia via China, Indonisia, Bhutan, Tibet, Japan, Korea, India ect:

    I know you favor the tiger, I dont hold it against people who do, afterall almost every site gives off the impression that the tiger dwarfs the lion in size and weight, I mean at this point even the cherry picking of statistics of attributes is quite desperate with mostly none are true or show any credible/viable root source but merely opinions out of thin air, and the usual charade of arguments against a person who actually has done just the basic research on the two, wouldnt hold well.

    Hope this helps, atleast in a view of searching for the truth, not just what you want it to be. K, Michael…catch ya Laters. ^_^

  5. veja os video que está disponivel na internet,analisa todos os videos, então vera quem realmente vence a luta, os leões nasceram para brigar são verdadeiros gladiadores e tem uma coragem que é assima do normal. Big cage o tigre atacou o leão pela costa oportunista mais covarde, mesma assim o leão reverteu a vantagem atacau o tigre de begala e o tigre correu e apanhou muito ficou apavorado com a reação do leão, tomou duas patadas em sequência que virava a cara do tigre de um jeito muito forte e violento que eu não tenho duvida nenhuma que o leão tem a patada mais forte entre os felinos. tem uma cena que os fã de tigre tiram do video mas depois foi achada, o tigre fica deitado no chão num gesto de submissão eo leão que fica a sua frente mostrando quem é que manda. Os fã de tigre querem enganar e enfluênciar as pessoas com videos manipulados como o própio big cage que fica voltando a cenas que o tigre bate e tira a cena que queima o filme do tigre. Everland Os leões do zoologico Koreano everland são asiático uma sub-especie menor menas agressiva e mais fraca do que a sub-especie encontrada na Africa e mesmo assim levou vantagem em cima do tigre de bengala e siberiano. A cena que os fã idolatra o tigre, o leão está brigando com tigre siberiano quando ele virou ele tomou duas patadas de um outro tigre siberiano balançou a cabeça duas vezes mas continuou e nem ficou atordoado continuo indo embora, pegou na covardia deu duas patadas fracas. Everland 5 Um homem tenta dar ao tigre uma ave provavelmente um frango o tigre parece assustado não era para menos um leão come ali ao lado, não demorou muito para o leão atacar o tigre, o tigre tentou golpiar mas saiu fora deixando a comida para o leão, na turkia um caso parecido aconteceu, jogaram a ave para o tigre de bengala, o leão também tomou a comida do tigre e nos dois caso os tigres eram maiores do que os leões. Outro video que os fã de tigre gosta de mostrar a luta de um tigre siberiano de 5a6 anos de idade contra um leão asíatico de 2a3 anos de idade, o tigre deu quatro tapa no leão, a diferença de idade fator determinante, um leão de dois anos não consegue vencer um tigre de 5a6 anos de idade, para luta ser justa e definir qual é o melhor, tem que ter a mesma idade e ser o topo da especie, exemplo leão da barbária vs tigre siberiano e bengala não leão asítico vs tigre siberiano ou bengala e mesma assim levou vantagem sobre os tigres. Tem um video da luta de um leão da barbária contra um tigre siberiano, o tigre estava batendo na leoa quando leão chegou ele já se mostrou submisso ao leão mas enfretou com golpes em vão e sem eficaz o leão mais calmo acertou varias e finalizou colocando a pata atras da nuca do tigre e levando o enorme felino ao chão a onde permaneceu deitado em um gesto de submissão. Outro video tigre de bengala branco maior que os tigres laranjados, se-vê que o tigre é mais comprido e mais robusto do que o leão e mesma assim ele apanhou feio e correu. O leão é mais concentrado mais calmo e avalia melhores suas chances tem mais resistência mais experiência de luta e mais corajosos e ferozes, tem a patada mais forte entre os felinos junto com a juba que ajuda na defesa e dá superiorídade ao leão. koreano, chines,russo, tailandes e indiano nunca vão falar bem do leão por que eles idolatram o tigre. Zoolôgico Koreano Everland colacaram um leão adulto junto com um bando fechado de tigre e leões, tres tigre e um leão atacaram um leão sozinho, quatro felino contra um, fizeram só para tentar desmoralisar o leão, eles mostra a covardia achando que é vantagem para os tigres, e só mostram os ferimentos dos leões e não mostra os ferimentos dos tigres, e fica zombando dos leões,mas os leões já são vitórisos antes da luta começar por que ele enfrenta um felino maior e mais forte do que ele e isso que torna o leão o animal mais inspirador do mundo e além disso o leão é o segundo predador depois do homem, depois do homem os leões governam o mundo pois não tem força maior que um bando leões até o urso polar sairiam de seus caminhos. vocês que votam no tigre, vocês estão sendo manipulado pela influência de alguns. O leão é o rei.

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