Lions ate rhino poachers

I love this story. If humans can’t get them, nature can. Nature knows best. A gang of poachers broke into the Sibuya Game Reserve in Eastern Province, South African intending to kill rhinos for their horns. They were attacked by a pride of lions and eaten. Karma came calling.

Lions at rhino poachers
Photo: Jamie Pyatt News

A head and some bloodied limbs were all that remained outside the stomachs of the lions. It’s believed that at least three poachers were devoured.

What’s a little troubling in this story is that the lions were tranquillised (this can be dangerous for big cats) and the stomach contents checked. How did they check? They probably used a camera or as Albert says (see comment) use X-rays or ultrasound. They found the body parts and three pairs of shoes! I am not sure I’d have bothered to check in the interests of the lions’ welfare.

The poachers were armed with rifles and axes. Their motive was clear. But on the this occasion the lions were the rhinos’ guardians.

The reserve owner, Nick Fox, said he was saddened by the loss of life. Personally I take the opposite viewpoint. I am pleased. The body parts were found last Tuesday as darkness fell.

The firearms are being checked by ballistics to see of they have been used before in poaching.

In Eastern Cape nine rhinos have been shot with high calibre hunting rifles by poachers in 2018. We all know about this dire problem driven by the belief in Asia that the rhino horn gives men an erection 😉 Pathetic isn’t it? It would be laughable if it wasn’t so desperately sad.


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5 thoughts on “Lions ate rhino poachers”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I’m also very pleased those “men” were devoured. I hope the lions weren’t harmed, that they used x-ray and or ultra-sound equipment. The camera would be another way I guess. I’d like to know.

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