Lions could easily defeat a Tiger in a fight to the death
by Indigo Child
(New York)
Lion portrait - photo by etrusia_uk (Away for a while) - Flickr
There's no doubt that Lions could easily defeat a Tiger in a fight to the death - if both opponents were of equal stability at beginning of fight.
It is proven that although Lions do not possess amazing stamina, they are still noticeably faster than a tiger when given a good reason to get on its feet. (Ex; hunting, threatened, protecting, etc.)
Tigers may weight more than Lions, but Lions have a broader, more muscular and toned frame while Tigers have a slightly sleeker shape.
Some of the information in the chart was wrong, for example, an adult lion is fully capable of climbing a tree as proven in the wild when adult male lions chase hyena cubs into trees.
A lioness might lose against a tigeress, yet neither I nor any of my friends have ever witnessed such encounter, so I suppose this could go vice-versa.
Lions are able to take on Giraffes and Elephants in Asian and Africa, when given few choices to easier, smaller preys.
Indigo Child
Lions could easily defeat a Tiger in a fight to the death to Lion vs Tiger