Listen to the story of a sweet cat recuperating at hospital after a near fatal dog attack

Cat, Peaches, recovering in hospital after operation for dog attack. Screenshot from video by Harvey Animal Hospital.
‘Peaches’ recovering in hospital after an operation for dog attack. Screenshot from video by Harvey Animal Hospital.

I think you’ll like this story told by a lady who I believe works at the Harvey Animal Hospital in Michigan. The cat’s name is Peaches. She is considered elderly at 7-years-of-age. She is described as a very sweet female cat. She was badly injured by a dog. Her abdomen was badly damaged. She was operated on and she may undergo a second operation.

Note: for some inexplicable reason the default setting for Facebook videos is sound off! Weird. Please make sure the sound is turned on by clicking on the sound icon at bottom-right of the player once the video gets started.

She is wearing a collar to stop her picking at a drainage tube in her belly which was causing discomfort. She purrs a lot and as you can see in the video she has a very quiet, gentle demeanour. A lovely female cat who’d make a wonderful companion.

Donations are gratefully received. The hospital’s number is 313-882-3026. She’ll be released for adoption when she is healed.

I really like the gentle way in which the woman describes Peaches’ story. It made me feel quiet sleepy but in a nice way. It kind of calmed me too. The video is on the Michigan Cat Rescue FB page.

P.S. If the video disappears I apologise but I have no control over its existence on Facebook. It is embedded on this site using code.

1 thought on “Listen to the story of a sweet cat recuperating at hospital after a near fatal dog attack”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Peaches is one lucky puss to have been found and cared for so well. The lady commenting does sound so caring and kind.

    I looked up the FB pictures of post surgery Peaches, hats off to the vets who put her back together.

    I do find it strange that cats over the age of seven are referred to as ‘senior’

    Here’s to a wonderful family adopting sweet little Peaches as soon as she is fully recovered.

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