Live Cat Auctions on Facebook

There are live cat auctions on Facebook. These are not live cats though! They are china cats: Lucky cats. And the auctions come from Singapore. However, it is an interesting development. The concept of doing anything live on video on a website is itself interesting. It opens doors to doing things very differently. The video below is a live auction. It might not be playing at the time of your visit. If there is no sound it works using the Firefox browser. There appears to be a glitch with other browsers. This is because the concept is new I suspect.

If you click on the Facebook icon on the video (bottom right) you are taken to the actual auction….

Will there be time when live rescue cats are auctioned on Facebook? It seems possible. It is very immediate and of course live. This generates energy and excitement. Dogs have been auctioned. Buying dogs from auctions was started to try and save them from puppy farms. It seems to have backfired because it has pushed up the price of dogs which means breeders can get more for theirs. It creates a sellers’ market. The prices are high at auction because buyers are very keen to save the dogs and some clearly have a lot of disposable income.

In one auction of King Charles spaniels a breeder was able to outbid rescue groups paying over $3k for each of 2 dogs. Subsequently, he sold them to a rescue group for $10k each!

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