Living with Bean

Living with Bean

by Kristine Reardon
(Phoenix, AZ USA)

Bean as a kitten

Bean as a kitten

My boyfriend was moving out and taking one of our two cats. I always felt a person should have two cats so one never gets lonely. So after he was gone, I went to the Humane Society and searched for just the right kitten to bring home. It took a few trips, but finally I saw this little bundle of what I thought was black fur (it was brown!) and asked to play with her. She was given to me and we bonded immediately. She was incredibly adorable! The volunteer at the Humane Society told me the little kitten might not be that healthy and that she just got out of foster care because she'd had a cold and she might be a weak kitty.

I told them it was fine and I wanted to take her home. Well! As soon as I let her out of the box in my living room, she was literally zooming all over the house! Jumping around, playing with every single toy, and just incredibly hyper and happy to be out of a cage! Due to her activity, and her color being brown, I named her Bean. Like a coffee bean.

She truly is the best cat I've had and I want more just like her! She's inquisitive, smart, agile, fun, goofy, silly, and loves to cuddle.

She plays in water bowls, she plays well with others, and I just can't get over the little tufts of hair between her toes! I highly recommend this breed. Grooming is minimal and they're smart enough to learn command almost immediately. One more thing, she's a hugger! Loves to grasp things, especially the top of her tree and just hug it. It really is just the cutest thing. I only wish I could submit more pictures!

KristineLiving with Bean to Turkish Angora Cat

Comments for
Living with Bean

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Oct 20, 2009 Bean's breed
by: Kristine

Well Finn, I'll have to respectfully disagree with you about the breed of my cat since I do actually live with her daily.

But thanks for your opinion.

Oct 20, 2009 A beautiful little cat
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Kristine. She is a beautiful little cat and that hugging on to everything is a cute trait. Thank you for posting - I love these stories about successful adoptions which enrich the lives of both cats and humans.

As to her roots there is definitely some semi-longhair in her, but I don't see Turkish Angora any more than e.g. Norwegian Forest or Tiffany. Unless she has pedigree papers to prove otherwise, she is technically a mixed breed - see more on the page 'What breed is my cat'.

Most cats in the World are in fact mixed breeds and they are no less loved and just as beautiful, affectionate and intelligent as their pedigree cousins.

And at any rate you found a precious gem in that little bundle at the shelter. 🙂

Oct 19, 2009 More Pics of Bean
by: Michael

Here's three more pics of Bean:

Bean a rescued cat of character

Bean a rescued cat of character

Bean a rescued cat of character

He likes lying down, sprawled out, doesn't he? Thanks for the extra photos, Kristine.

Oct 19, 2009 Little Bean
by: Kristine

Dorothy, thank you!

Bean is pretty tiny really... only weighs about 5 pounds, but she loves to stretch out to her full length and it makes her seem more substantial than she is.

Oct 18, 2009 Bean is adorable!
by: Dorothy

I didn't know about this breed. How much does she weigh? What a nice story. She sounds like such a happy cat. Nice to know we can add more pictures too! Thanks Michael.


Oct 18, 2009 Photos
by: Michael (PoC Admin)

Hi Kristine. Thanks for sharing and showing us Bean. Adorable!

If you would like to submit more pictures please send them to me at:

mjbmeister [at]

Convert the [at] to @ in the email address.

And I'll put them on the page.

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