Long Live Mr. Big

by Mark David
(Birmingham, AL USA)

Day 1, taking it all in stride.

Day 1, taking it all in stride.

It wasn't until I lost my cat (June 2009) that I truly identified him as a NFC. Before that we had casually assumed that he had a lot of Maine Coon in him. After some research, I am quite sure Mr. Big was a Norwegian Forest Cat.

He was, bar none, the best cat/pet I've ever had! Growing up I had several cats in my family most notably a Havana Brown. Mr. Big was our (my wife and I) only boy.

He was very biased toward me and we always joked that I was his daddy. Of all the stories I could share about this cat, the most memorable one is concerning the day we got him - his homecoming.

My wife found him at a shelter and gave him to me for my 39th birthday. The story is that when he casually walked out of the pet carrier into our house for the first time, he never even took a look around the place to appraise it. He simply sat in Shawn's lap as if he was home and had been there forever. He was the coolest cat I had ever met, right out of the box! I've included a photo of that very moment.


Long Live Mr. Big to Norwegian Forest Cat Family

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Long Live Mr. Big

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Feb 11, 2010
Mr. Big
by: Mark David

One of the other things I remember about my NFC was that he always made eye contact with you. Like no other cat I have ever seen - I still can't believe it to this day.
I've never missed a pet like I miss this one. He was a piece of work, that damn cat!

Feb 10, 2010
Another photo of Mr. Big
by: Mark David

Norwegian Forest cat Mr Big
Mr Big - Photo by Mark David

Here is Mr. Big standing on the hood of my truck, waiting for me to hang up the phone and get out.

Feb 08, 2010
Mr. Big
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

What a fine cat Mr. Big was - I understand why you treasure his memory. Some cats just stay with us forever.
Many years ago my wife and I got a kitten, red Rudolf. I was raised with cats, but for her it was a first and she was pretty nervous about it. As it turned out this little kitten very soon laid himself down in her lap and started purring. And as she said she 'wasn't even a cat person'. Well, Rudolf was a clever cat so he knew who to win over first. 😉

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 01, 2010
Me too
by: Michael

I lived with a NFC mix girl cat for four precious years (she was killed in an accident) and she was a a darling of a cat. She was extremely athletic, a great climber and would come under the duvet and sleep on my arm at night. A daddy's girl! I still miss her. She died over 15 years ago.

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