Looking for a Distinct Family Member Devon Rex Female Kitten

Looking for a Distinct Family Member Devon Rex Female Kitten

by Sharon
(Northern Illinois Chicago)

My daughter and her family are looking to add a female purebred kitten into their family in February, March or April.

Everyone’s birthday is in those 3 months. After researching different breeds the Devon Rex came out on top as affectionate, intelligent, good with children and other pets with short curly hair and a low allergy rating.

Besides all their qualities their distinct look makes them a very them a very desirable choice.

They are a rarer breed of cat that makes them harder to find and more expensive. We want a female but will agree to spay her at the appropriate age as the responsibility of breeding and then placing innocent babies into good homes is more then I want.

Also our 4 bedroom large 2 story house is perfect for keeping her indoors to protect her from the dangers of traffic and outdoor animals lik the coyotes we have in or area.

We are looking for a breeder of home raised pet Devon Rex kittens in Illinois near Chicago or Southern California.

Please contact:

Sharon Schindlbeck
Sugar Grove, IL

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Looking for a Distinct Family Member Devon Rex Female Kitten

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Nov 07, 2010 love for your pets
by: darlene burrow

hi you must be a cat lover !! which you want more than one cat its great to hear that someone wants to take in cats no matter how many you take in you make a big difference to this world thank you

Nov 04, 2010 Hi Sharon
by: Michael

When I think about adopting a purebred cat, which I sometimes dream about, I too think of the Devon Rex. This is a very cute looking cat and, you know, I sort of fancy having one as a friend. I have seen them at cat shows. I still think they are cute!

Good luck in your search.

Michael Avatar

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