Looking for a female York Chocolate for breeding

Looking for a female York Chocolate for breeding

by Cesara

I have met the York Chocolate through an Italian magazine that showed a beautiful cat and described its fabulous character.

I met the breeder in Italy and I adopted a beautiful lavender male that for 5 years has been a loving companion.

For a couple of years now I have tried to find a female for breeding to allow me to continue this beautiful line of cats, but until now I've not been successful in finding anyone that has or could direct me to someone who owns a lavender or brown York Chocolate.

I have collected information that still confirms the existence of this breed but even in the USA I've not managed to find a source.

Can anyone that has information on York Chocolate cats give me suggestions so that I can continue this wonderful breed?

I'm waiting with anticipation to receive an answer.


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Looking for a female York Chocolate for breeding

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Oct 22, 2011
Susan hello
by: Susan

Hi Cesara,

It happened again, my computer deleted your email again! I will get a digital picture of Coco as soon as I can. Can you send me your email again, please?

Thank you, Susan

Oct 20, 2011
Lost your email, Cesara
by: Susan

Dear Cesara,

I'm sorry I mistakenly lost your email on my computer, so I thought I'd try to contact you here again. I'm the one with the 7 month old female York chocolate kitten that I'm possibly interested in breeding.

Her name is Coco, and she is very smart, curious, and athletic. I think she would be an excellent mouser, but she stays inside. She is about 6 lbs with a petite, long body, with a dark brown medium length silky and glossy coat with no undercoat (she doesn't shed and she doesn't bother my Dad, who's allergic to cats). She has green/amber eyes and a full plume tail. She rarely miaows. Some of the characteristics she shares with what I've read is that she likes water and also sometimes plays fetch!

I found her in a bush in Southern California when she was about 6 weeks old, I was passing by on a busy street and I heard "mew, mew." I guess either she escaped from a car and hid in the bush for fear, or her mother gave birth to her there, as a kind of nest, and then left her. But if that was the case, maybe she was an only kitten, as her personality is such that I don't think she wouldn't have followed her mother and other siblings if her mother had moved them somewhere else.

I'm sorry I don't have a digital picture yet to send you, but I could arrange something. She doesn't have a pedigree lineage, but from what I understand, cat breeds are sometimes a result of genetic mutations, and she seems to have all the characteristics of a York Chocolate or Tiffany/Chantilly cat.

I live in Portland, Oregon, but will probably be moving to the Los Angeles area by Christmas.

Sincerely, Susan Brown

Oct 17, 2011
I have a female cat
by: Anonymous

I have a 7 month old female york chocolate or tiffany cat, I found her as a stray. She is beautiful and very sweet. I might be interested in breeding her. You can contact me at sbrown@fullcoll.edu.

Oct 17, 2011
I have a female cat
by: Anonymous

I have a 7 month old female york chocolate or tiffany cat, I found her as a stray. She is beautiful and very sweet. I might be interested in breeding her. You can contact me at sbrown@fullcoll.edu.

Jan 06, 2011
by: Michael

Thanks for visiting from Italy. It is nice to hear from Italy.

I will see what I can do to help put you in contact with other York Chocolate breeders and caretakers.

Michael Avatar

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