by Superspeed
Come on!
This warrior cat clan has over 15 members, most who post everyday. It is on an internet site called howrse, which you have to sign up to. Then go onto Karma_Dealer's forum. Karma is our leader (Brightstar). Our current deputy is Brokensoul (Jengem). I am Zytka, a pretty rogue who has joined Lostclan.
In Feburay we are going to celebrate our 1st birthday, and change leaders. Our current plot line is the 'Plague' a mysterious illness has struck. Will we get the cure in time for the cats? Already kits and elders are dying.
We have a few cats with extraordinary powers. Brightstar has a magically calming purr. Midnightsun can read minds.
So come and plunge into this brilliant clan!
Luff Superspeed