Lottie The Allotment Kitten

Lottie The Allotment Kitten

by Betty
(Birmingham, UK)

Lottie, the allotment kitten

Lottie, the allotment kitten

Lottie was the only survivor from a litter of kittens born last year on our allotments. We never found out what happened to the other five, but little Lottie was a fighter and didn't give up.

I fed her every day in a fenced-off area behind our meeting room. She got used to me staying to watch her eat and I took many photos of her.

The Cats Protection League (CPL) lent us a trap to catch the adult cats but the first time I set it.......we caught little Lottie!

The CPL came to collect her, had her checked by the vet and looked after her for a few weeks till she was ready for rehoming.

We later heard that the new owners kept her name 'Lottie'.


See Feral cats at allotments in Birmingham UK

Lottie The Allotment Kitten

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Lottie The Allotment Kitten

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Feb 22, 2010 Feel good factor
by: Michael

It is so nice to hear a success story and Lottie looks so lost and cute that it makes me feel better to know she has found a home. Thanks for the work that you do and for sharing it here on this site.

Michael Avatar

Feb 21, 2010 Sorry, forgot to....
by: Betty

sign my name to the previous comment!

Feb 21, 2010 Thank you all so much
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much to everyone who has commented about Lottie, our allotment kitten - it just goes to show what a lovely group of people visit this site.

Feb 20, 2010 Amazing Blue eyes!
by: Julie,Alhambra,Il.USA

What amazing blue eyes! Love the picture and the story. You are a good person for finding her a home and for feeding her until one could be found.

Feb 19, 2010 What a lovely story
by: Anonymous

That's a great photo - Lottie is a real beauty. Bless you for caring for feral cats and for getting Lottie off to a good start in life with a new home through Cats Protection. It's heartwarming to know there are such kind people like you around to help animals in need.

Michele (UK)

Feb 19, 2010 Lucky Lottie
by: Babz

She is gorgeous, her face looks as if there is a real warrior behind there, well done for catching her and giving her the chance of a safe and happy life

Barbara avatar

Feb 18, 2010 Lucky Lottie
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Betty. What a charming little kitty. It was her luck to get caught at an early age and adopted instead of having to stay out all winter. Great job!

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 18, 2010 Little Lottie
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

What a beautiful photo! Her beautiful blue eyes against the black fur with the greenery as backdrop...wow! It's wonderful to hear that she got a new forever home. Please share any updates you may hear. Thank you for all of the kindest shown to the ferals.

Feb 18, 2010 Lottie
by: Ruth

What a beautiful little kitten.Well done for rescuing her. I love her name, very apt and I'm so glad she got a good home.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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