Love the breed but the cost is something else

Love the breed but the cost is something else

by Edie Simons
(Bloomfield Hills, MI.)

Domino and Coco

Domino and Coco

If anyone has a Savannah that needs a good home I would love to own one, rescue or otherwise. The price to purchase a kitten is more than I can afford, but they are so smart and beautiful!

I live in Michigan and there are feral cats in my neighborhood which I care for during the winter, I don't know where they go in the summer because I never see them when it is sunny and summer.

They come up to my screened in porch during winter. I bought a kennel warming pad (actually several). I keep the pads up on chairs with blankets. I feed them 2 times a day and some of them are even letting me pet their heads with one finger.

I have a blog where you can see pictures of my feral babies on my chairs, go to

Edie's This and That


Hi Edie.. there is a page on Savannah cat rescue on this site that may help.

A1 Savannahs may be able to help.

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Love the breed but the cost is something else to Savannah Cats

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Love the breed but the cost is something else

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Jan 21, 2010 the cost means something...
by: Kelly Baez, from DR

If you can not afford to buy it, it is likely that you are not ready to offer this breed of kitten what he needs to live a good life.

It's like that. I recommend you to read the links listed in this blog about Savannahs and you'll see.


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