Loving Memories of Dr. Hush Puppy: A Sweet Farewell

I will never forget our first encounter with Dr. Hush Puppy. But that was before this beautiful cat earned his PhD degree based on his intelligence, his curiosity and his loving bodhisattva nature.

Dr Hush Puppy - photo by Jo Singer
Hush Puppy Posing – photo by Jo Singer

We will never know whether it was serendipity or something so incredibly mysterious that lead us to have the joy and delight of being able to share our love with such a precious being. Although we were about to adopt a white female Oriental Shorthair cat, fortunately instead it turned out that a five month old lilac point Oriental Shorthair named Hush Puppy found us.

This monkey faced kitten flew across the room, jumped into my lap, crawled up on my shoulder and wrapped his paws around my neck. It was definitely love at first sight for both of us. We adopted him immediately. What was truly amazing was when we brought him home there was no need for slow introductions. Mousie Tongue, our five year old seal point Siamese welcomed him with open paws. However he hissed at him once slapped him over the head and then proceeded to give him a thorough grooming.

Hush Puppy immediately started purring up a storm. He got busy exploring every nook and cranny around the house with Mousie Tongue in the lead giving him the guided tour. Then following a light snack they both curled up for a nap with their paws intertwined.

Two weeks later we heard from the breeder with some great news. Hush Puppy’s younger brother – a white Oriental shorthair kitten named Moonraker was up for adoption. Did we want him? You bet we did. I can’t begin to describe how thrilled the brothers were to be reunited. All three boys were inseparable. Years later the white kitten whom we first named Trouble, was renamed Sir Hubble Pinkerton.

One of the things we will remember the most about Dr. Hush Puppy was his insatiable curiosity about physics. He would knock things off the coffee table, measuring the time that each object took to fall. He loved doing research on gravity.

While he was sweet and loving he did have one major flaw. He was an extremely vain kitty who would often spend considerable time “voguing” in front of any mirror he could find. He was also patient to a fault, putting up with Sir Hubble’s mock attacks until he had enough. One slap of a paw over his brother’s head always put an end to these feisty shenanigans.

It would take me hours to be able to describe the joy and delight that Dr. Hush Puppy and his sweet brother has given us over the years. This past January we were thrilled when Dr. Hush Puppy turned 15. We were looking forward to giving Hush Puppy a sweet sixteen birthday party. But that festive event was obviously not meant to be.

There is a part of me that intellectually understands that when we open our hearts to loving a kitty at the very same moment we must open our hearts to losing them. But as I write this my tears flow from the pain caused by the huge hole in my heart. My husband’s heart hurts too and there is also a huge hole in his brother’s heart as well.

Sir Hubble keeps calling for his brother; searching for him to no avail. Dr. Hush Puppy’s scent lingers but he is not here and it breaks our hearts that he feels so unhappy and alone.

Puppy and Marty
Hush Puppy with Marty. Photo by Jo Singer

A devastating illness can suddenly strike a beloved cat without warning. And no matter what we may do to try to find out what is wrong and how we can fix it, we often will lose that fight. On July 22, Dr. Hush Puppy told us it was time for him to leave his body and get his angel wings. He was surrounded by the people who took care of him, who worked so hard to make him well.

Dr. Hush Puppy was wrapped in a warm pink blanket. My husband Marty held him for the last time and I held him while his loving veterinarian, Dr. Erin Holder assisted him in his passage to the Rainbow Bridge. We all miss him dreadfully and we will grieve for him for a very long time.

There is no timetable for grieving. One day, when the time is ready, we know that other kitties will call to us and they too will weave their way into our hearts. Rest sweet, dear Dr. Hush Puppy. We will love you forever.

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15 thoughts on “Loving Memories of Dr. Hush Puppy: A Sweet Farewell”

  1. What a love-filled tribute to Puppy. My kids were terribly saddened to hear of Puppy’s crossing, too, as they’ve known him and Hubble practically since you got them.

    Puppy is and was an amazing part of your family for 15 wonder-filled (as our late mutual friend Kandi used to say)years. As I think of that, I get the feeling that Kandi was there,along with Mousie, Gizmo, and Baby, meeting Puppy at the Rainbow Bridge.

    All our love and purrs,
    Rani & the clan

    P.S. Can you please email me the first pic of Puppy in this article? That’s how I want to remember him.

  2. Echoing all of the other posters’ thoughts and feelings, and I’ve emailed you, Jo. <3 ((((((((^^)))))))) <3 (O^^O)

  3. I would love that, Jo. I think that the story of your boys would touch the hearts of every cat caretaker.

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