Lucky Girl – My Rescued Kitten

by Mary Handa
(South San Francisco, CA)

I was going home from a doctors appointment. I happened upon a red light. I looked out my window and down at the pavement. I saw a kitten on the curb. She was looking up at me. I got out of my vehicle to get her off the curb before she got hit by a car. She ran and hid on my left rear tire.

A woman behind me told me where the kitten went. I snuck around and caught the kitten. When I got her home I found that she was at least a month old. Her eyes were still blue. I fed her with an eye droper for a while. She is about six weeks old now. Her eyes are brownish green. Her fur is medium length black, toffy, and orange.

On one of her legs she has beautiful orange tiger stripes. Lucky Girl is full of energy. She loves playing with my poo/che’s and she drives my other cat(Jr.) crazy.

She is truly a gift form somewhere.

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Lucky Girl – My Rescued Kitten

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Sep 03, 2011
So Pretty!
by: Leah England

God bless you for scooping her up and taking her into your home and your heart.

She is very pretty and very lucky.

Aug 26, 2011
She’s Beautiful!
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I found my Furby about the same way. He crossed the road in front of my car out in the middle of nowhere and I turned around and went back and found him pretending to be invisible in front of an old barn. I scooped him up and took him home and he’s almost 2 now. He was only a few months old when I found him. I hope you’ll write often and post pics of how your baby is growing.

Aug 25, 2011
Mine too
by: Michael

I found and rescued by old lady cat about 18-19 years ago. At the time she was adult but young perhaps one year old.

She too was under a car. It was outside my home in London.

It was freezing cold that night. I took her in. At the time we had two cats so that made three. I had not bargained on three.

She has given me immense pleasure and companionship. She is now at the end of her life. She is on the home page at the time of this comment.

Thanks for visiting and sharing. We like rescue kittens. Lucky Girl is very lucky.

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