Lucky — The Family Cat
by Freddy Valen
(New Haven, CT. USA)
Lucky The Family Cat.
Hey there,
Our Maine Coon's name is "Lucky", he is 19 months old, all black cat, that we bought from a pet store.
Lucky is a very mellow, lovable cat, he's quite keen to taking baths and Loves our two daughters, he especially loves to stalk and pounce on them, with the heart of a lion and the tenderness of a bunny...
His favorite pass time is to hang out on the windows and when he feels lonely, he often meows to be let in to one of our bedrooms.
We are very Lucky to Have "Lucky" as a part of our family.
Freddy Valen
Hi Freddy: Thanks for the submission. Lucky is a very glamorous looking cat. I lightened the image a bit so we can see him a little better. Hope that is OK...Michael (PoC Admin).