Lulu – an F2 (East) African Wildcat

Lulu – an F2 (East) African Wildcat

by Diana Buja
(Bujumbura, Burundi – East/Central Africa)

Lulu and Burundi

Lulu and Burundi

Lulu is an F2 / 75% (East) African Wild Cat x barn tabby. He was born in Kenya, in the Ngong Hills, where I saw his grandfather on several occasions. Lulu came with me here to Burundi, on the north End of Lake Tanganyika - dying at the age of 13 of a kidney complication, 1 January 2009.

Like his African Wildcat ancestors, he was completely arboreal, and as I caught him in this picture, loved to walk around on top of the curtain rods. Anything even remotely 'climbable,' he would climb. And was far more intelligent than my fully domestic cats (2 Burmese).

Hi Diana: Thank you very much for sharing. I am thrilled to hear from you as you live in Burundi. It is nice for me to receive a post from a person living in Burundi.

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Lulu - an F2 (East) African Wildcat

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Nov 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Rafiki was half East African wildcat. Orange, with longer back legs, sleek ,slim. In Africa he got what was called "Cheetah's disease" & couldn't move his back legs. After corticone, he was OK, travelled to the US, lived to l9, hunted mice until l7.Walked our kids to the neighborhood school & sat on the window sill. (Did not graduate however) Preferred to skip out and take food from neighbor's houses.

Apr 28, 2009
From burundi
by: Diana

Thanks, I am better, but it will be a few days still.


Apr 27, 2009
Hi Diana
by: Anonymous

Hi Diana, no problems but get well soon and I look forward to hearing from you. I am in the USA right now but go back tomorrow.

Apr 27, 2009
by: Diana

Hello Michael -

Glad you enjoyed the site.

I'm currently recovering from a bit of stomach problems, and will email you tomorrow!


Apr 24, 2009
by: Michael

Hi Diana, I am very pleased that you have agreed to write a bit for this site. I like your work. Please email me here:

mjbmeister [at]

to discuss the matter a bit more. I want to pay you so we need to discuss that too. The email address is disguised to prevent spammers using it.


Apr 24, 2009
From burundi
by: Anonymous

Michael -

I would be pleased to write some pieces on cats - wild and domestic - in Africa and also in Egypt, where I lived and worked for a number of years.

You may be interested to see what I do here in Burundi, as Director of a National Livestock Program. This is the site that I maintain:

- and see this link, for some of the popular articles that I've written on small livestock:

Looking forward to hearing from you,


Apr 23, 2009
Stay in Contact
by: Anonymous

Diana, I would love you to stay in touch with Pictures of I don't know your circumstances but it would be nice if you would consider writing some stuff for the website for payment.

Obviously that depends on a number of things. But the situation with respect to the domestic and wild cats in Africa interests me as I am normally only able to discuss the domestic cat in UK, America and occasionally Europe. So this is a fresh area. You might have first hand knowledge and experiences of the wild cats in Africa.

Anyway, I wish you well.


Apr 23, 2009
From Burundi
by: Diana Buja

Hello to you, too. You have a lovely site.

Here in Burundi, the only wild cat that is still numerous is the civet. They are numerous, and are trapped both for their fur as well as for use in traditional medicines.


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