LuLu survived being thrown from a moving car
by Susan
(Ohio, U.S.A.)
My beautiful LuLu has touched my life. Although I swore off doing anymore rescue work because I had already emptied my bank account doing trap-neuter-return for many years and had a house full of special needs cats, I couldn't resist helping LuLu the minute I saw a picture of her injured at a vet office.
Almost 3 years ago when LuLu was a tiny 8 week old kitten, she was the victim of a heartless act of animal cruelty - someone threw her out of a moving car on a busy street. Both of her rear legs were broken, one was literally dangling from her body. Luckily a fellow rescuer pulled over, rescued her, and got her to a vet. My dear friend who runs a non-profit animal rescue took over her care and with the help of donations from the public was able to raise money for her orthopedic surgery to pin her legs back together. My friend needed a foster home and knew how to reel me in - she sent me a picture of this tiny soul and it was beyond my ability to say no - my heart strings were pulled and I agreed to let LuLu come to stay for her recovery (of course she has gone on to become another one of my "permanent fosters"!)
Her recovery was long and painful but I loved watching LuLu transform back to health. I did Reiki Healing and flower essence therapy everyday along with my version of cat physical therapy. She walked with a limp for quite awhile but eventually was moving quickly through our home and before long was climbing & swinging from our floor-to-ceiling cat scratchers!
As a baby kitten, Lulu immediately appointed herself as boss of our house. I can tell when she's coming - all the animals part like the Red Sea. She's become a pro at stalking, swiping, wrestling, and spiting at everyone. She's not very well liked but she does have one friend in the house, our large semi-feral calico that was brave enough to allow LuLu to lay her head & sleep on her like a big, stuffed pillow (in fact, we now have nicknamed the calico "Pillow")!
As her mom, LuLu has some very strict rules for me. I am not allowed to touch her except for on the very tippy-top of her head. I cannot pick her up, comb her, massage her, or play with her unless it is clearly on her terms. Only at bedtime do the rules change. She becomes more vulnerable when curled & nestled up on my stomach to sleep. I am then allowed to shower her with kisses, hugs, & cuddles, and in return she purrs me to sleep.
I don't blame or judge LuLu for her bad "catittude" and acting out. I know her bold personality is a way she copes with the emotional & physical pain she felt as a baby. She has wrapped herself in a protective coating like many humans do when they are hurt by those who are supposed to be loving & protecting them. Animals personalities are shaped in part by the way they are treated by humans (which is why so many de-clawed cats become insecure & mistrustful after having an integral body part painfully removed by their caretakers). I know LuLu feels residual pain from the trauma of having her body smashed to the ground by an unkind human. I can still see the sadness in her eyes.
Bless you my dear LuLu. You, my darling, have deeply enriched my life. You remind me daily how vulnerable animals are, and how worthy they are of our care, kindness, & protection.
LuLu survived being thrown from a moving car to Declawing cats