This video may interest people who are interested in the cat breeds. The Lykoi seems to be one of the semi-hairless cats and has been around, somewhere for I while I suspect until a breeder got hold of one and decided to create a new cat breed. That is how it works a lot of the time. In other words this is not a created breed but a mutation (but is it?). Breeders call these “naturally occurring mutations” as it sounds better. Created cat breeds are hybrids: mating one cat with another.
The belly is hairless and the eyes are very large. Baby-like I guess, someone might remark. And people like babies so I expect the breed to be a success: a mixture of baby and werewolf! Weird but interesting if you are into that sort of thing. I think the kitten is called King Artemis.
This is a typically cute kitten. The face is rather extraordinary, I have to say. This is an ugly-pretty cat. Lykoi means wolf in Greek or it is a derivative of it.
There is a slight similarity to the Peterbald – a semi-hairless Russian cat.
If the video above is pulled it is presented below from the Daily Mail who have no doubt downloaded it from YouTube (with permission?) and remade it for their own servers:
Thanks very much for updating us. Very nice of you, Cheryl.
We have found several new Natural Mutations from people contacting us and have been given/sold several for use in our breeding program. We most recently drove to Vermont and brought back 8 cats total from a colony owned by a woman who contacted me. 5 of these cats were Lykoi and 3 were carriers of the recessive gene per the owner who had several accidntal litters over the past 3 years from this growing colony. We were also able to help her get the cats she kept altered to prevent her situation from gettign out of control again. All cats have been DNA tested and do not carry the sx/dr gene. Dr Leslie Lyons can actually identify this gene now after working with our breed group’s dna.