Lynea Lattanzio, the world’s greatest cat lady

by Michael

Yes, she almost certainly is. She has taken on the responsibility of caring for hundreds of cats on her own property. There is no killing. There is just calm cooperation. The cats live in harmony. They are neutered and spayed. She does this herself, I believe, having been trained by a local vet. Thousands of cats have been neutered. And eighteen thousand have been saved.

It is a kind of cat heaven and it encourages me to make a comparison with Caboodle Ranch, which gets a fair bit of criticism. It is impossible to criticize her sanctuary, Cat House on the Kings, unless you know something I don’t.

We should praise her for contributing so massively to the welfare of the domestic cat. She has taken on the responsibilities that thousands of people have abdicated.


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Lynea Lattanzio, the world’s greatest cat lady

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Feb 27, 2012
True unselfish love for animals !! NEW
by: Anonymous

Dear Lynea:
When I wrote my first comment about your caring, unselfish FREE work, I had only read about Kings Ranch, awesome.I had no idea the great care you & helpers provide.
Last night I accidentally saw what you truly are,
a human that cares & loves any & cats/dogs; you’re one impressive lady.
All animals are well taken care of & both cats and dogs live together peacefully.
Many kudos/applause to a very special woman.
Best wishes to you & others,

Southeast Arizona

Dec 31, 2011
True love for cats and dogs
by: keenpetite

What an unselfish manner to care for so many animals most people view as disposable & abandon/forget. These become part of our family should be treated as such, with care & love, animals were created to be our life long companions, they’re patient, forgiving & do not judge.
You’re quite an example to the rest of us, giving is better than receiving, especially when the giving is from the heart. Acts 20:35

Dec 30, 2011
Lynea Lattanzio, the world’s greatest cat lady
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

There have been manny instances where extremely wealthy individuals have bequeathed their entire wealth to their pets akin to Lynea Lattanzio dedicating her life for the welfare of cats and dogs.
The video resembled a cat wild-life park with , both cats and dogs prowling around the huge estate akin to the big cats seen in game reserves.
Lynea.Lattanzio is definitely the World’s greatest cat enthusiast and care-taker having been running “Cats of the Kings” cat reserve for the last 16 years without much publicity.
The cats and dogs living on the private reserve of “Cats of the Kings” are truly a privileged lot, rare, especially in times of economic depression where numerous pets are abandoned by their human owners.

Dec 30, 2011
by: Kay@Serenity Farm

This lady is truly amazing! I loved the video and I plan to donate to her sanctuary. I would ask that all cat or animal lovers who visit this site donate what they can afford to Lynea Lattanzio to help her in her calling. There are so many supposed sanctuaries that do not do one tenth of what she is doing and they get thousands of $$ every year. This lady deserves any and all support we can offer her. Won’t you join me and donate what ever you can. Warmest New year wishes from Serenity Farm and all our critters.

Dec 30, 2011
Hope she plans ahead
by: TamTam

I hope she plans for her old age to have help and to make sure the cats are not abandoned if she becomes ill or even when she dies.

Dec 30, 2011
Amazing place !
by: Ruth

This lady is a star ! It’s wonderful to see the cats living their lives as cats like to, not shut in cages.
The video is amazing, the cats and dogs look so happy and well cared for.
They have a facebook page too which is very interesting.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Dec 30, 2011
Cat house on the Kings
by: Dorothy

Thanks for keeping this wonderful woman on the front pages of our minds Michael. Her’s is a story of finding passion in mid life and taking it to the moon with success. But I’m sure not without heart ache. There is still much to do about over breeding and pet abandonment in our culture.

Meanwhile, lucky cats they are who make there way to her yard.


Dec 30, 2011
Wonderful Animal Lover
by: Anonymous

This person is wonderful to love animals and save them and care for them like they are all her personal pets. She gets 10 gold stars in my book. All the animals, cats and dogs seem truly happy. I wonder if she has named them all.That would be wild.Got to love and respect her for taking care of and keeping and loving all of the Kitties and Dogsand treating them with the respect they deserve.You get all of our votes for being the number one rescuer for so many. God Bless you and You must enjoy what you do!! Sincerely Judy M. Williams

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