Mafia fugitive said: “Think about my two cats and don’t leave them alone tonight” on arrest

This mob boss has a heart. Police recently captured Marco Di Lauro, one of Italy’s most wanted Mafia fugitives. They were celebrating their success after he had been 15 years on the run. He was arrested while he was eating spaghetti with tomato sauce in an apartment in Naples, Italy. His cats were with him.

Mafia boss liked cats

One hundred and fifty police officers had surrounded his flat and he surrendered peacefully. On his arrest he said:

“Think about my two cats and don’t leave them alone tonight.”

It’s nice to know that one of his foremost thoughts was the welfare of his cat companions. He must be a cat lover. and yet he faces murder charges. He is the son of the mob boss Paolo Di Lauro who turned the rundown Scampia neighbourhood of Naples into a highly successful drug outlet business in the 1990s. However, a bloody gang war broke out after a group broke away from his clan leading to a challenge over his empire. Seventy lives were lost in the ensuring war.

When Paolo was arrested Marco vanished. He hadn’t left the country but had stayed to manage his lieutenants while remaining hidden from the authorities.

He was right to be concerned about the health and welfare of his cats because it is likely (and he knows it) that he won’t be seeing them for a very, very long time. In fact he won’t be seeing them again, ever, because by the time he gets out of prison they will be dead having lived out the remainder of their lives with somebody else.

I presume they will be rehomed through a shelter system. I guess it says that not all cat lovers are decent people. Perhaps that’s common sense but if you love cats you’re more likely to be a decent person.

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3 thoughts on “Mafia fugitive said: “Think about my two cats and don’t leave them alone tonight” on arrest”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Marco Di Lauro sounds like a scary person. 😱 He seems to have mellowed after all these years, and/or gotten stressed from decades of running and hiding from the authorities. He looks tired.

    For a person to be capable of orchestrating this much evil, and yet remain full of concern and love for his cats…what a dichotomy. There must contain a massive “continental divide” in Marco Di Lauro’s subconscious.

  3. I’ve wrestled with this perception too, of whether or not a person is basically good if they care for their cats or animals in general. I had a neighbor who would have fit nicely into organized crime, but she did care for her cat “Casper”, a white ASH with no ears. That cat got plenty of stares from passersby who often asked “What the heck is that?”

    I often reflect on whether I’m a good person and why, and what my caring for animals has to do with it. I’d say most of us fit into the middle of the bell curve, and that you could conclude that people who don’t care for animals probably wouldn’t care about people either. But those who don’t care about people aren’t necessarily callous toward animals, who have a certain innocence that wins over the hearts of even the worst murderers. I mean, don’t most James Bond villains have a pet cat?

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