Here is a large format version of Helmi Flick’s photograph of this fine Maine Coon cat. The photograph is © copyright Helmi Flick. Please respect copyright.
Photograph © copyright Helmi FlickThis cat was shown at the Turkish Van Cat Connection, Waxahachie, TX, TICA cat show, 22nd-23rd November 2008. This photograph was taken by Helmi at the show. Helmi also photographed me with Jack Black. The photograph was made for the About me pageof this website.Jack Black made quite an impression at the show. He was placed best in the Cats division. The other divisions were, Kittens, Alters, Household Pet Kittens and Household Pets. The best cat in the Kittens division was Bombay cat, VINDOURO KALIENTE OF KATSNKLAMMS.Here are his final placements in the Waxahachie Cat Show:
Saturday | Place | Sunday | Place |
D’Ann Kovic AB | 3 | Mark Coleman AB | 2 |
Vicki Jo Harrison AB | 7 | Nancy Nolen AB | 5 |
Toni Jones AB | 2 | Pascale Portelas AB | 3 |
Elaine Hawksworth-Weitz AB | 7 | Marylou Anderson AB | 10 |
Rene Knapp SP | 4L | Fate Mays SP | 1L |
Kim Tomlin SP | 2L | Ana Maria Sosa SP | 5L |
I envy you. Thanks for sharing.