Maine Coon Cat Video


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Maine Coon Cat Video

I would just like to thank, once again, Helmi Flick Cat Photography for allowing me to use her photographs in the video. These photographs can be seen at various places on the website but not all together and not in a video. I also thank Kratka Photography
for the very fine Maine landscapes. Both these landscape photographs and the photograph of the Maine lighthouse by icemomo are published under a creative commons license

The music is Back and Forth by Machineries of Heaven. My rationale for using what I understand to be copyrighted music is that it is being used on a non-profit educational site, it is a poorish reproduction and therefore not usable other than for this video and therefore, it is argued that it qualifies for fair use.

Finally, the photogaphs of Maine Coons in the snow and outside are fine cats living with Dani Rozeboom who lives in the Netherlands. They are Dani’s photographs. I hope that you enjoy this Maine Coon cat video.

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