Maine Coon MAD Susie

by Susie
(Hampshire, UK)

Budletts Bella Cloud at 5 weeks

Budletts Bella Cloud at 5 weeks

Hi there..I’m just about to collect my very first Maine Coon kitten, after a long time waiting for the right one. Budletts Bella Cloud is a blue/white kitten sired by Budletts Tsar and Guinevere. She’s absolutely gorgeous and in her honour I’ve created a blog diary for her which I hope other Maine Coon lovers will enjoy.

Here's the URL for any interested viewers:

Main Coon MAD

Can’t wait!!

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Maine Coon MAD Susie

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Nov 10, 2009 Wooly Susie
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

What a fine little wooly thing Susie is. Good luck with her. 🙂

1 thought on “Maine Coon MAD Susie”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. been looking for a maine coon cat any age, with no luck. so i am finding it frustrating. it’s the one breed i like, but i need one free or cost of care. if not i’ll just look for a free kitten at a pound. none of my other cats were a specific breed, just short hair tabby and calico. loved them to death. both died. i’m ready for another cat to love and to be loved by, like my last two. just stuck on maine coon cats.

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