Maine Coon of Moonlight Cats

by Ute Czepok

Ana Coma

Ana Coma

Ana Coma-meine Zuchtkatze mit wunderschönen Typ und tollem Wesen. Google translate says that this reads as, "Ana Coma my breeding cat with beautiful type and great care" English. I think that Ana Coma is a fabulous Maine Coon cat of beautiful type.

Hi Ute.... I hope you can understand my English. As you wrote in German you might not.

I would not normally accept such a short submission as it does not create a page! But I fell in love with Ana Coma.

She has a totally bewitching face that would break the heart of any male human!

OK I have said enough. But if you would like to come back and say some more in German, please go ahead. I would use Google Translate to translate it. It would not be perfect but it would be great to hear from Germany some more.

Thanks for visting and showing us Ana Coma (great name too, by the way).

Finally, I include a link to your website:

Moonlight Cats

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Maine Coon of Moonlight Cats to Maine Coon Cats

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Maine Coon of Moonlight Cats

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Jan 09, 2010 Spot on
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Michael. Google translator sometimes gets the meaning wrong - 'tollem Wesen' actually means "fantastic temperament". 😉
Anyway, she is a great looking cat with that square MC face. I see from the site that she has become Grand International Champion and you don't get that title unless you are spot on standard.

Finn Frode avatar

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