I believe my baby Sophie is a Maine Coon cat

I believe my baby Sophie is a Maine Coon cat

by Stacy



A coworker & I found a soaking wet 1 lb. kitten trying to cross a highway outside of work one day last year. I knew as soon as I saw her I had to have her. She has been my baby ever since. She is the sweetest, loving and nurturing cat I've ever seen. She will hold your hand tight, and lick you clean not to ever miss a spot.

She makes the sweetest trill sounds, not a normal cat's "purr".

Her tail is absolutely gorgeous & plumed.
She is now 1 1/2 years old & 10 lbs.

She loves playing in water & will drink right from the faucet in the sinks.

I happen to see your website & after reading the info I'm sure this is what she is.


Can you breed Savannah cats in Australia?

by Alicia

Can you breed Savannah cats in Australia?


Hi Alicia... Please read this: Australia bans Savannah cat

Teacup Kitten Wanted

by Susanne

My boyfriend and I would love to have a true teacup cat. We live in Canada and would love to find a breeder nearby. I personally had a cat for years while living at home.

He was really cared for. He is still in excellent health and has regular checkups at the community Vet.

He is currently living with my parents because when i moved he preferred to stay at home since he has been there for 8 years.


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