Maine Coon Ziggy Pictures

Ziggy is a gorgeous brown tabby Maine Coon. Solid stature. Big presence. You name it, he has it. I thought I’d upload a half dozen pictures of him by Helmi Flick against different colored backgrounds and in different poses. It is a chance to see a fine example of the Maine Coon. So if you’re a big Maine Coon fan you might like to linger here awhile. Some people say that the best coat type and color for the Maine Coon is the brown tabby, perhaps because it is the quintessential domestic cat coat – the original and more natural. That suits this cat’s long American history.

This is a gallery so if you click on the picture you’ll be able to see it large and fully formatted on a new page. You can then see Ziggy in detail. Please use the browser back button to return to this page.

The Maine Coon is probably the most popular purebred, pedigree cat in the world. If that honor does not go to the Maine Coon it will be the Siamese or Bengal. It is used be the Persian, which is still in the top five most popular I would have thought.

15 thoughts on “Maine Coon Ziggy Pictures”

  1. Majestic Maine Coon. As we said, I think I may succumb to my desire to have a Maine Coon cat as a companion one day. Although that does create mental conflict for me bearing in mind all the cats who need homes. Might find a Maine Coon at a rescue center. A colleague of mine in the USA did. Her internet name is Valley Girl. The cat’s name is Tootsie.

  2. Great looking cat Michael! Really beautiful and impressive too I’m sure in real life. I just love these exact orange Maine Coons 🙂

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