Maine Coons–a love affair

Maine Coons–a love affair

by Joy
(Maine, USA)



We've always had Maine Coon Cats. The first one in my life was my grandfather's grey tabby, Tiger. Unfortunately, he was huge. I didn't realize until later what breed he was, as I was just a small child, but I loved the look of him. When I was much older, I got my first Maine Coon from a shelter in -- where else? -- Maine, where I was visiting my family.

In fact, I got two of them, a sister and brother. The little female died early, at a year old, but her brother, Copper, a red and white tabby, lived 11 years, until he died from cancer--probably a result of living in Colorado, with all the residual background radiation. I loved Copper and missed him tremendously, so when, two years later, I had the chance to get another red Maine Coon Cat, I couldn't have been happier.

Jethro (he told me that's his name, so that's what we call him) is a wonderful mouser, and can't stand to be indoors if the weather is fine. He's only three years old, and is solid and hefty. My gosh! Do they pack lead into those Coon bodies?

Except for the missing white, Jethro is so much like Copper that sometimes it's spooky. Their personalities, even their voices, their likes and dislikes are so much the same! I can't conceive of never having a Maine Coon in my life.


Hi Joy... I think this is our first Maine Coon in Maine. Fantastic. An original. The genes in Jethro go back to medieval Britain and further. 🙂

Thanks for sharing and Jethro is beautiful, very impressive. I wrote a page on yellow tabby cats. Jethro is tabby and white.

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From Maine Coons--a love affair to Maine Coon Cats

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Maine Coons--a love affair

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Mar 14, 2010 Maine Coons, and : outside?
by: Jackie

Hi Joy,
What a handsome boy Jethro is! And you let him go outside?. When I got my Maine Coon Georgie ( would love to post a picture of her) I was told never to let a Maine Coon outside. Where we lived at the time, in Scotland, and later in the countryside of Spain, how could I not let her out? She was the queen of the jungle. I never saw a happier cat, high up on a hillock, but always watching the house and us. And definitely home at night. I found that the outside was disastrous for her coat though, with sticks, grass seeds etc nestling themselves deep inside the coat. That to me was the only drawback of her being outside, but I would never have taken away her pleasure of being out there in the big wild world.
The Maine Coon is definitely a very special cat with a lot of love to give.

Mar 14, 2010 Great pattern
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Joy. He is looking great. Orange cats always look special, but that blotched tabby pattern is really unique. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

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