Making a complaint to the Munroe Police Department in North Carolina is reasonable in this instance….Let’s do it…
You may have read Elisa’s article about the abandonment of a cat called Samson. The woman who abandoned the cat made an “implied admission” in correspondence online that she abandoned her cat. That admission is clear in Elisa’s article. Further, animal advocate Laura Morrison is a credible witness to the alleged crime.
From what I read, it is clear that the woman abandoned her cat. As Elisa says, it is a crime in North Carolina to abandon your cat. Here is the law:
§ 14-361.1. Abandonment of animals
Any person being the owner or possessor, or having charge or custody of an animal, who willfully and without justifiable excuse abandons the animal is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
[Note: there is probably an overlap here with other animal abuse crimes. These can be checked out as well.]
The Munroe Police Department have made it clear that they will not take action because they have no woman, no cat and no witness. Therefore there is no crime. However, as mentioned above, there is a woman and there is a witness and there is an admission. This is good evidence. It is certainly good enough to successfully meet the requirements of a criminal court which is to prove the alleged crime “beyond reasonable doubt”.
Therefore, I would suggest that somebody makes a formal complaint to the Munroe Police Department using their form which you can seen by clicking on the following link:
Monroe Police Department Complaint Form
If somebody wants to download it, print it and complete it but is unable to scan it and send it back to the police department then I would be willing to assist. They can email me the details that they wish to use to complete the form, I will then complete it, scan it and email it back to them whereupon they can use that scanned document as an attachment in an email to the Munroe Police Department.
The point I’m making is that we can take direct action in this instance. The covering letter or email to the police can be polite and the complaint is that the police department is not taking action when it has sufficient evidence to do so with the reasonable chance of success of a prosecution.
I feel, as always, that the police are finding an excuse not to prosecute this clear example of animal abuse. This is because they lack the commitment to do so as it is “only a cat”. Let’s see if we can force their hand.
Let’s hope she is charged, tried, convicted and punished properly. There are hurdles to go through before we see justice.
The woman was arrested. I’ll be doing an update article once I get the information I need.
This law is also what makes TNR 100% illegal too. That’s why nothing is being done. All you cunts who abandon cats under the guise of TNR would be locked in jail if they support you. Once you trap a cat and claim ownership of it by doing so, “… or possessor …”, it is now your responsibility and are also subject to all animal-neglect and animal-abandonment laws. Read all the posts on Alley Cat Allies pages where Becky Robinson throws her followers under the bus to test these laws and they are now facing criminal charges everywhere.
Please,why is nothing being done!!
Please!!why is nothing being done!