Man busted for breaking and entering. All he did was clean the cat’s litter tray!

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This doesn’t make sense and I have the impression that it doesn’t make sense for the guy who was busted with a misdemeanour charge for breaking and entering and disturbing the peace.

He had entered a Massachusetts woman’s home and cleaned the woman’s cat’s litter tray according to a report. He appears to have done nothing else except perhaps chase the 26-year-old woman around on Mohawk Forest Boulevard.

The police were called to investigate and they entered the home with their guns drawn because they were under the belief that he was armed. The man in question is 33-year-old Mitchell Sayers and he responded to the presence of the police by coming out with his hands in the air whereupon he was arrested. He was unarmed.

He did not make sense when he was questioned by the police. It looks as though he had a relationship with this woman and it seems, also, that he was under the influence of perhaps drink or drugs (my opinion).

He may be someone who is very clean and tidy! He just couldn’t bear the idea that the cat litter tray was not clean and if that is true then he probably likes cats as well. Just speculating!

Source: New York Post.

1 thought on “Man busted for breaking and entering. All he did was clean the cat’s litter tray!”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. He could just have been doing the cats a good turn.

    How mucky was the litter tray?

    Maybe the woman berated the cats harshly for not using the tray and she didn’t keep it clean?

    Curious story

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