An owner of two cats returned home to find both his cats in a poor way. One cat was lying near the boundary fence of his property crying. He was limp and the owner took him to the vet where he was euthanised. When he returned home he noticed his second cat was very ill and lethargic. He took him to the vet where he too was euthanised. Both had been poisoned and had kidney failure.
The cats’ owner took them home to bury them and while doing so noticed a can of pet food on the porch of his neighbour’s house. He thought this strange as his neighbour, Mr Choung Rhee, did not have pets.
The cat owner shouted across to Rhee and yelled “You poisoned my cats”. Rhee responded “They tore up my screen door” whereby he indirectly admitted he had poisoned his neighbour’s cats.
The cats were exhumed and it was determined that they were poisoned (as I understand it). I presume the can of pet food on Rhee’s porch has been seized as evidence. I hope so as it is bound to contain pet food contaminated with something like rat poison or anti-freeze.
Rhee has not been held on remand (in jail) awaiting trial. He is out free but charged with two counts of first degree animal cruelty in King County Superior Court. I’d hope to be able to provide a follow up page.
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He gave his motive. BTW there are solutions to stray cats in your yard that cost much less than a lawyer.
Baiting your yard to kill domestic pets is pretty much against the law period in the US.
And once again we see why letting your cats roam may cost them their lives. Despite cat haters just hating the cats your cat may indeed be doing no harm to anyone’s property but by letting the roam you are exposing them to human predators and painful deaths.
It doesn’t matter how much justice you get it does nothing to heal the pain. I know.
Agreed and thanks ME. Mind you there would have to be some evidence to support the alleged poisoner’s assertion that the cats did damage his screen. I have doubts about that. I have doubts that cats from his neighbor would climb his screen. It is usual anyway. Perhaps he used it as an excuse. Perhaps the screen was damaged by him. That sounds more like it.
Actual prosecution of animal cruelty cases would be a deterrent to some of the more civil minded cat haters.
Putting out a can of poisoned cat food shows intent and also means he lured them over there with the express intent of killing them. Legally he was entitled to be being compensated for his damaged property and had the right to set live traps that you can get from most animal control agencies. people engaging in self help need to be prosecuted.