It is said that these thugs, these madmen, committed animal abuse so that they could create a video that would go viral. They’d do anything to make a bloody viral video.
There is a complete lack of morality. It is the behaviour of psychopaths. Of course very few people would describe them as psychopaths.
The mothers of these thugs would probably say their sons are good boys. But they are completely bonkers and they represent a segment of UK society which is dark and dangerous. I sense that there is a slow and general breakdown in the standards of behavior in the UK.
The young man – a Londoner – who posted the videos on his Facebook account is Tyrese Collins. He comes from Catford (a dump).

Here’s the clincher: the videos did go viral. They have been seen 1.9 million times and rising.
We don’t know who the man in the video is but why aren’t the police or the RSPCA questioning Collins? And what are Facebook doing about it? At least one of the videos is still on Facebook. See it here. The header to the video is: “Nahhhhhhh this is getting out of hands now”. Sick or what?
Naturally, there has been criticism from FB visitors:
Two selected comments on FB:
“Becky Moss I don’t find that funny tbh an ur sick in d fucking head if u find it funny”
“Vic Toria It’s disgusting and this is animal cruelty”
We also don’t know what happened to the cats. In the second video the cat was kicked hard enough to cause serious injury.
The RSPCA are aware of the video. We have no idea how their investigation is progressing if at all.
Collins is a Manager at JD Sports (a shop selling sports gear). He is from Kingston, Jamaica (black men are more likely to dislike cats). Note: I am not being racist. I am just making sensible observations as objectively as possible.
for the record im a black man, & i LOVE my big kitty Lex. the deal is this though: in America at least, black people get dogs, big ones, due to feeling a need for protection in cities, as well as trying to “fit in” in suburbia. the “dislike” of cats(which is mainly fear, for those that do)tends to stem from mostly city-dwellers who come in contact with ferals that have struck out at them, or the typical “friend”, during attempts to pet them. ive heard said stories from cousins etc more times than i can count. they tend to go like this, “i tried to pet it, but it puffed up & hissed at me. man, cats are mean.” of course they dont stop to think that backing the cat (or ANY animal)into a corner to try to pet it isnt a good of an idea no matter how “cute” it is. no animal(or person for that matter) likes to feel cornered. people feel like cats SHOULD be approachable cuz they see the lap cat on tv, & then get mad when a stray doesnt comply with said notion. theres also the ever-present connection between cats & superstition(as well as “hoodoo”)that lies in the back of peoples minds, but lets not tar n feather a race when there have been so many caucasians in the news both local & on the i-net recently(especially men)that have actively poisoned, shot, & seriously abused cats & kittens lately, & the online trolls that tend to be male. ive seen waaayyy more pics & videos with non-blacks doing this sort of thing than the other way around. its not cool when ANYONE does it, but there are good & bad people on all sides. there are NATIONS that think its ok to EAT them, right? so lets try to keep these things in perspective, & really think before we pass judgement, k? sorry if i sound all hot over this, but the “black men tend to…” is a generalization that isnt statistically correct across the board AND statements like THAT are what stereotypes are based on. like “only gay men & crazy old maids have cats”. neither assertion is true as gay & straight men own cats, & young intelligent women own cats too. lets try not to “bandwagon” these things or we are no better than the people that say all those crappy things about cat owners. k, m done.
That is true many afro Americans that come to adoption events come for big dogs but are afraid of cats??
You know me. I feel the same way as you. To be honest it depresses me as the general standard of behaviour in the UK is declining in my view.
I don’t think writers on this page are being racist. Black people are less likely to like cats and the same goes for Muslims. That is factual, I think you’ll find.
I asked for it to be posted on the main page on Tigers page that used to be mine and some admin on there is saying they should have checked before posting it because it happened in 2014,there are 2 different videos,I’m pissed.
Im black, and I love cats, as well as dogs. Way to stereotype animal abusers, who come in every colour. Instead of being racist, you should have told us about the welfare of those poor cats… that’s what this article is about.. or?