Yuri Soroka, a 20-year-old man living in Western Ukraine, thought he would make what he believed to be a “funny cat video” with the intention of publishing it on his Instagram page. He decided to put a two-month-old kitten whose name is Shurik into a glass jar and seal the top! He filmed the whole thing on his smartphone and posted it to Instagram. He thought it was a cool prank. Obviously the kitten struggled to breathe. He released the kitten at that point, as I understand it.
He said that he can’t understand what the fuss is all about because it was an innocent game and he released the kitten “in a few minutes. It was not hurt”. Understandably, there was uproar on social media online. The story was picked up by the Barbi Twins who posted it on Twitter.
Mark my words. THIS is the work of a future serial killer…..
"Man sealed kitten in a jar and watched it gasp for air in Instagram prank"……….
All law enforcement experts and FBI profilers say that serial killers all start out with animal torture.https://t.co/iWI0QGT96r— Barbi Twins (@Barbi_Twins) July 30, 2020
They say that his behaviour is the work of a future serial killer and that law enforcement and the FBI profilers say that serial killers start out with animal torture. They are correct. The FBI takes animal cruelty very seriously as a signal for future violent crimes against people.
The story is reported in the Mirror newspaper online and I am told that law enforcement is involved. It seems possible that the man will be charged with animal cruelty and if tried and convicted he faces up to 3 years in prison. He is bemused by the reaction which indicates a problem with reality. Law enforcement seized the suspect’s smartphone which he used to film the video and sent it along with other evidence for examination.
You will be pleased to know that Shurik is okay. A volunteer, Kristina Chaparina, is currently taking care of the kitten. She said:
That man put their kitten, who trusted him, into the jar and watched it gasping for air. The man should be severely punished for what he did.
Let’s hope this young man has learned his lesson and now understands the kitten wanted to live and be free. I hope he is fighting for his life and freedom against Russia.
Execute. Before the man reproduces and those genes multiply
🙂 lol.
Esto es crueldad animal
Basta de crueldades