For me this is stupid, unhelpful and mindlessly commercial. It is actually cruel. It is actually bloody awful to look at to be perfectly honest. He is a mean looking man, isn’t he? He does not look very nice and his behaviour is inline with his appearance.
His behavior achieves nothing except for a million hits (in 2 days) on YouTube which is why he did it in the first place and an anxious cat who is alienated from his human companion. Nice work mister. As usual the comments on YouTube are banal. Such is life. All rather typical of a ‘funny’ – not – cat video.
I think his mean idea was to try and train his cat to stop meowing in the night which wakes him up. Obviously the technique he employed will be a complete failure. That must have been obvious to him. It is a form of punishment which fails.
I’ll guess that his cat meows in the early hours of the morning at around 4 am to wake him up because that is the time when domestic cats are often ready to do things and be active.
If you care for a cat you have to accept it. It is no big deal. Domestic cats are crepuscular. We know that.
The man is Nicholas Tecosky. He calls his cat ‘Italics’. “Four nights in a row he’s woken me,” he said. Get over it Mr Tecosky. Get real. Become nice. Look after your cat tenderly. And stop shouting at your cat while he sleeps because all you’ll get from it is confusion and possible anxiety from your cat. Oh, and stop exploiting your cat for a few bucks of advertising revenue on YouTube.
P.S. THIS PAGE WAS FIRST PUBLISHED December 6, 2016. The reason why I ‘bump up’ some posts is because a lot of posts become almost invisible over time which is a shame because they are often better than current posts because the material is better.
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I am pleased to hear from you. Please too that you have “survived” the coronavirus 😉 !
I agree with Dee, Susan and Michael on all their comments. Kim, aka Jim (obviously) is the one who needs help, but he can’t be. When he finally passes on there will be no hole to fill, nothing to replace, nothing missing, because he was never here in the first place. Easily forgotten and glad to be rid of him like the disease he was.