Man Not Charged In Cat Suffocation Case
by Elisa Black-Taylor
Here we go again readers. Another case of cat abuse when the abuser literally got away with murder for suffocating three cats with ether.
The man involved was not charged in a cat suffocation case and that alone burns me up!
The cat abuse occurred on March 14, 2011 in El Paso, Colorado. David Leisge, 66, told authorities of the method he used to combat the stray cat problem in the La Cresta Mobile Estates in Colorado Springs where he’s employed as a maintenance man. The way the article read, he’s almost bragging about the ingenious method he used to kill these cats.
First he places the cats in a trash bag. Then he sprays ether, which can be found in starter fluids and cleaning chemicals. Between the suffocation and the fumes, the cats die a horrible death.
Leisge admitted not only to purposely killing three cats, he also stated one of the cats had a collar and was someone’s pet. He was bragging about how he learned the trick from a wildlife police or game warden or something or other. I’m sorry, but this doesn’t make it right. Those cats suffered a lot. People like Leisge really mess with my head.
This story began when police were called to the area on a disturbance case and found the cats in the tied up bags in the garbage.
Joe Stafford of the Pikes Peak Region Humane Society believes Leisge should be charged with aggravated animal cruelty since one of the cats was obviously a pet and not a wild animal. Penalties are tougher if a pet is involved. If charged, Leisge faces a fine and up to 18 months in prison.
The abuser also admitted to killing at least six other cats in the same manner.
Now for the clincher. Ooh-this burns me up! David Leisge was questioned at the Sand Creek police substation on Wednesday and released. NO CHARGES FILED!
This case will be reviewed by the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, where it will be determined whether or not he’s charged with any crime.
Excuse me, but what is WRONG with the lawmakers in this country! How far does an animal abuser have to go before the legal system finally looks up and says “Oh, we really should do something about this crime.” I just don’t get it!
This crime is case 17557 in case any of you would like to write in or call the 4th Judicial District Attorneys Office. Their information can be found here.
I believe I’ll contact them by mail. I’m sorry I couldn’t find an email address to include with this article. I tend to scream at anal retentive members of the justice system who only look the other way when a case such as this arises.
My question for the readers today is: do you know of someone who has gotten away with animal cruelty? Is it my imagination or is there a little too many slaps on the wrist and not enough handcuffs on the wrists?