Man Posts FB Photo of Himself Pointing Gun at Cat

This is a story of about one of those moronic, gun-toting types with three brain cells who thinks it is macho fun to post a picture of himself holding a gun to the face of a cat on his Facebook page. He has not committed a crime they say. Probably not unless the cat is terrified. What about cat abuse, mistreatment? It is probably not serious enough under existing law. His name is McGuinness or Mcguinness. He says “Don’t know why everybody so mad about a cat we only shot it twice.” Ha Ha. Drole humor.

He later apologized after being contacted by Animal Control. The cat was unharmed. We are not told if he “owned” the cat. I doubt it. The owner of the cat should be held to account. Is he or she the photographer? I expect so.

Moral: you can’t post stuff on Twitter and Facebook that is morally repugnant and not be spotted and held to account.

8 thoughts on “Man Posts FB Photo of Himself Pointing Gun at Cat”

  1. I noticed from the photo that if he’d actually pulled the trigger he would have shot through the cat and into his own wrist. Never point a gun at anything unless you are 100% willing to pull the trigger. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that. You give this guy too much credit, Michael, saying he has three brain cells .

  2. I saw this on Facebook too, and signed the petition calling for him to be answerable for his cruelty. It’s sick and it’s not macho, clever or funny and the cat is certainly not laughing.

  3. As described in the video. “It’s NOT OK” that the cat was fine and unharmed.
    I don’t know what’s happened that a young man would ever think that it’s acceptable to ever do something like this.
    Something went awry from my hippie generation of love and peace to the next generation with most of the same points of view to the current generation that carry guns to school, kill at will, and have little regard for life. But, ofcourse, they must video their twisted thinking to be cool. Where does this warped behavior come from?


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