Man thinks his affectionate cat is vicious during lockdown (video)

Reading the about the thoughts of this man I am led to believe that he is either mad or stupid (it’s the latter). Either way it is patently obvious that his black cat, Ringo, is very loving towards him. He does not deserve it.

Man thinks his loving cat is vicious
Man thinks his loving cat is vicious. Screenshot.

Perhaps the BBC who have published the story are cynically churning out clickbait or perhaps it is a late April fools joke. Or perhaps the man is not being serious but I think not because he said:

He can be a bit of a vicious serpent – all affectionate – and then he jumps on my shoulders, headbutts me, and tries to bite my nose off

‘Vicious sepent’! Come on. The gentle nip is a sign of affection, you fool. And surely you must know by now that headbutting is a friendly behaviour. Ringo is probably pleased that his human companion is at home a lot more than usual and is thankful.

Ringo is headbutting Andy Clarke from Brightlingsea, Essex, UK. As a cat ‘owner’ he should realise that headbutting is sign of affection. “Tries to bite my nose off” is a gentle love nip. Once again his cat is being affectionate. It is all love and there is absolutely not a trace of viciousness so where he gets the idea from is beyond my comprehension.

One of the problems, if you can call it that, is that cats have weapons for killing prey and they have to use these weapons to convey affection. It can be hard for them and the human. And they play using paws and teeth. Humans are not really geared up for that. Other cats are okay with play biting and slapping but humans don’t like it.

The guy made the video using his computer’s webcam.

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