Man Wanted Kittens As Dinner

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Nirvana and Karma

Nirvana and Karma

Nirvana and Karma Francis McGinley out on bond

Dear readers, I truly apologize for writing this story so close on the heels of the other horrible news I've had to report this week. I fear my page will be changed any day now from Elisa's Articles to Outrageous Pet Horror Stories and that's not my intention.

Note to Michael (PoC): On second thought, you may want to add another section so the readers will know they're reading a "bad cat" story. The "good cat" stories are getting so hard to come by these days.

Today's article is about a horrible man who ran over two kittens so he could have them as dinner.

I've been debating for two days on whether or not to report the story of this monster. His story is simple. He ran over two baby kittens after deciding he wanted to eat them for dinner. And the question on whether or not to report this to the readers at has driven me crazy since I first read the alert.

The final decision on whether or not to write this story was the fact that the man is now out of jail after posting 10% of a $20,000 bond.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back, as we say in the south.

Welcome to America folks. That's the way our legal system works. Post 10% of the total bond and you're free to walk the streets until trial.

Here's the case.

On Sunday, October 17, 2010, Francis McGinley, 44 of Delaware County, Pennsylvannia, allegedly ran over two four-week-old kittens, who have since been named Karma (a white female) and Nivana (her black brother). This case is so outrageous it's hard for me to put it into words.

McGinley, who has a long history of drunk and disorderly behavior, arrived home shortly after 8p.m. Sunday night carrying the injured kittens and told his three roommates he ran over the kittens with his truck so he could eat them for dinner.

The three roommates, Bridget Spicer, Holly Faulkner and Francela Jackson are credited with saving the lives of these two kittens by calling local police while McGinley sat on the bathroom toilet talking to himself while the two injured kittens lay bloodied in the bathtub.

Sgt. Charles Fell and officers William Dowd and David DeFrank responded to the call at the apartment McGinley shares with the three women in the 200 block of Edwards Street around 8:30 p.m.

Bridget Spicer explained to the officers that Francis McGinley told her "I ran these two cats over with my truck and now they're my dinner. I am going to eat them." He even made the remark to the officers "Since when was it a crime to get drunk officers?"

Needless to say he was taken into custody.

Deleware County Animal Control officer Dave Schlott rushed the two kittens to Keystone Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Center on West Chester Pike in Havertown.

Justina Calgiano, director of community relations for the SPCA, verified the kittens were transferred to their facility on Monday morning.

The kittens were initially in very serious condition (especially the white baby named Karma). Baby Karma would not have survived if not for the joint effort of everyone on scene because she was barely breathing. However, they are both now responding well to treatment and are expected to survive.

If all goes well they both will be up for adoption in about a month when they are old enough and healthy enough to adopt out. I really hope someone will take them as a pair and not split them up. They've been through too much in their short lives.

I've seen nothing in the reports of anyone coming forward to claim them.

According to court records McGinley has numerous arrests for public drunkenness, being "manifestly under the influence of alcohol," driving under the influence, disorderly conduct and harassment.

He is scheduled to appear before Magisterial District Judge Spencer Seaton for a preliminary hearing Oct. 27, 2010. This is listed through as case number #16645 and is a vehicular charge with drugs or alcohol involved.

Judge Seaton can be reached at 160 East Seventh Street, Chester, PA, 19013 and his office phone number is 610/874/1790.

I'm so tired of these monsters being returned to the streets. I do what I can by reporting on them. I trust all of you to do what you can by keeping your cats safe from people like Francis McGinley.

A map of where this crime took place is available at the pet abuse website.

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Man Wanted Kittens As Dinner

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Nov 04, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

First court date was Oct 27 but no info on it yet. May have been postponed if he pleaded innocent. I'm set to get alerts on the case

Nov 04, 2010
Anybody know the ending?
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Has anyone heard how this story ends with the almost-eaten cats? Was the guy thrown in jail? Put on probation? Smacked around? (Just joking, but if he goes to jail and his cellmates found out what he tried to do, don't be surprised...).

Nov 03, 2010
Blushing all over
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Thank you, but please stop make me blush like this. There are so many great people here on PoC much more worthy of praise than me.
Actually all I do is saying nice things about other people's cats. Remember, I'm the guy, who admits to smoking in the precense of my cats - and I eat meat too, although not cat meat. 😉

But I love reading about cats - especially the abused or abandoned ones, who finds a new family and end up being the greatest cat in somebody's life. And that story can't be told often enough!

Finn Frode avatar

Nov 02, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

At least Finn also knows how much he is loved since I seem to have developed a habit of only reading half a sentence.

We love you Finn!!!

Nov 02, 2010
Naughty Elisa
by: Ruth

lol Elisa you started a rumour by getting the wrong end of the stick lol lol
Sorry everyone but amidst the battlefield PoC has been recently this just made me giggle.
We are a big happy family really !
Aren't we ??????
Seriously I owe our Finn a lot as his wonderful petition banner has brought us many signatures
since he made it.
Look at our petition now 4124 !!
Please forgive me for going off the kittens subject there. Does anyone have news of how they are now ?

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Nov 02, 2010
Scared me too!
by: Maggie

Gosh, when I saw Elisa's comment asking for Finn to stay I almost had a heart attack!!

I'm glad you're not heading off Finn. It would get lonely here without my fellow Aby fan. =)

Nov 01, 2010
Thanks Finn
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I hate these stories too. I just want people (especially the ones in the meanest country-MINE) to realize the dangers out there by people who hate cats and keep coming up with more and more horrible things to do to them.

I know of a few cases worse than these that I won't even write about because I don't want to give cat haters any worse ideas.

And it does get worse than this story.

Don't scare me like that again Finn. I don't always have time to comment but I read all of your stories.

Nov 01, 2010
Don't worry, Eliza
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Easy now. I've just returned after a short hiatus caused by moving and I'm not planning on leaving PoC anytime soon. But I was quoting somebody else who said she was...
Keep up the good work, Eliza. You're a good writer and I love to read you, although I often hate the actual stories - like this one. But they have to be told so that cats like Karma and Nirvana are not forgotten.

Finn Frode avatar

Nov 01, 2010
Finn don't leave us!
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

You're one of the reasons I stayed with PoC. I don't even comment much because I'm literally afraid of the comments that come in on some of the stories. Finn, haven't you noticed I get a negative remark on almost EVERY story? I'm used to it by now. It's part of PoC in that we can express ourselves. DON'T LEAVE US FINN!!!!!

Would someone stop Finn!!!!! PLEASE!!

Nov 01, 2010
DUH !!!!!
by: Anonymous

Michael writes with an English accent because he is English.
Tell us pray do Kat where to find an American man who does as much for cats or who has as many admirers?
Jealousy is a soul destroying state of mind.

Nov 01, 2010
Kat Parker
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Your comments have been noted, but I doubt you have made many friends here. Well, maybe you don't care as long as your views are published, but the problem is that no matter how strong your case is, you don't win people over by being rude and lashing out at anybody in sight. Neither here nor in real life.
In an earlier comment you said:
'I am re-thinking my own participation in your group of "homies" here... I feel I may be out of place, And this might actually be a closed little group here. I bid you all farewell.'
Unless you are willing to respect the views of others and discuss things in a polite manner, you are absolutely right that you 'may be out of place' here on PoC.

Finn Frode avatar

Nov 01, 2010
My fans
by: kAT

Wow, I can see I have made quite a few fans on here, so far. lol Yes, I am involved in shelter work, allso in AR and a huge animal liberation supporter/advocate, I deal with animal abuse/rs way too much, I am terribly opinionated, and yes, I sometimes shoot first and ask questions later when I get espoecially fired up about something close to my heart.... sorry for my typing--I lost the index finger on my left hand due to , well, opening a ring top can of cat food--and i have a bad habit of typing with three fingers. since i have made so many friends here I daresay I will most likely not be back. I was just checking things out here, and I guess it was a mistake. Sorry, Miss Elisa for causing you grief. I so appreciate our bit of chat on facebook and talking things out with you. You are level-headed and smart. Thank you. Michael, I enjoyed much of your articles I have read, though you do write with an English accent. Forgive my opinionated comments. hehe Everyone else, you can go take a flying.. ooh nevermind... I'm leaving my typos just for you--no attempt to clean em up tonight. **big grin** Have a nice day.

~Kat~ (and yes, declawing sucks)

Oct 31, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I think Kat is involved in shelter work.She could write us a few good stories on what it's like to work in a shelter. She posted a really harsh picture of dead shelter animals in a barrel on a paragraph where she bashed Michael and it would be a good story to read first hand how someone who deals with this daily feels.

As far as the 2 kittens go-I WANT THEM!!! I'll take in a baby kitten anytime I find one. I think friends used to plant them in the bushes by my door.

As far as apologizing to Kat, I know I get a bit bossy and don't mean to and thought I'd said things with the wrong tone. But I will continue to defend the regulars on the site. And NOBODY will pick on Ruth without my jumping them.

And Ruth, you do have a tough skin. I think I've grown one. The comments used to drive me to tears. Now I just let them slide and bite my tongue. I seem to offend someone no matter what I write. If I write a happy story I'm sometimes questioned why I don't spend my time writing about cats who need my help. If I write about cat abuse I sometimes hear through the grapevine how I should stick to happy cat stories. I've learned I'll never please everyone. I try to use the advice given for my own good. I also write what I would like to read. I do the stories as much for myself as for the readers. Which is as it should be or you burn out.

I just published a hub on telling how I go about writing a story and how scary it is to see an email with a comment because I never know whether it's going to be something bashing me.

As far as how much I write, it comes in spurts. I admire Michael because I could never write as consistently as he does. There are days the stories just won't get from my head onto the computer. Other days I can't turn them off. That's why you may see 2 stories in 1 day and then it may be a week before I do another. I don't see how Michael does it every day. And I'll never be able to keep up with the abuse news I receive and do stories on all of them. I get at least 10 a day by email. I miss a lot of them, especially on the days I work because it's 10 hour shifts.

I'm gonna go now. In case you haven't noticed I talk too much too.

Oct 31, 2010
Kat Parker
by: Fran

For a start there were TWO kittens,try READING instead of ranting Ms Parker.
As for our happy little bunch,it's actually a BIG bunch,a BIG bunch of like minded people,we are regulars,visitors and anonymouses.
You could be part of it if you were to write sensible comments instead of attacking innocent people and spoiling this top class article by Elisa.

Oct 31, 2010
Kat was out of order
by: Jane A

Elisa why should you apologise!
That person was totally out of order,didn't even know whose web site this is and had the cheek to come on,slate respected regulars,and attempt to make trouble between you and them.
Sheesh whatever next!People like her we can do without.

Oct 31, 2010
Take no notice
by: CJ

Kat Parker was obviously heated up and on a rant,just look at her spelling!
PLEASE everyone take no notice,attention seekers and trouble makers are not worth it.
Keep up the good work ALL writers and ALL commentors,that is what makes this site so special.

Oct 31, 2010
How dare you Kat Parker
by: Rose

It's YOU who needs to think before you go off.

It's YOU who took the opportunity to preach about cats being kept indoors,it's probably your favourite soapbox subject.Those poor little kittens were not indoors and nothing can change that,there are many cats NOT safe indoors,some are OWNED by monsters like that creep and can be abused in private.Indoors or out if fate decrees they fall into the hands of scum like that NOTHING will save them.

You hardly have the right to criticise the others who deviated or agreed with the writer of the deviation when you did it youself.

Leave our favourite writers like Ruth and Maggie alone unless you have something to add rather than sounding off because of your jealousy at their popularity.

Oct 31, 2010
Thanks Elisa
by: Ruth

THANK YOU Elisa,I may seem tough but it's all a facade !!!
Yes I've had to toughen up a bit since helping take up the cause of cats suffering from declawing or I'd have been a nervous wreck by now. But I'm not that tough that unjustified criticism doesn't hurt me deeply. You've had some too I know and you just think 'WHY, what have I done to deserve that?' don't you ?
I love coming to PoC and Michael is wonderful in that he lets me write as much as I want to about that subject and others. He is very fair in that he doesn't moderate anyones articles or comments and we all have an equal chance to have our say. Yes it does get bitter at times when some people no matter how hard we try, remain stubborn that it's acceptable to abuse animals.
But Kat if you read some more articles you'll see that sometimes one subject leads to another and we sometimes comment on other things on each others articles about something else.It's called supporting each other in ALL animal topics. I always think an article with no comments is not worth much at all, far rather to read discussions which people are free to join in and to deviate if they want to. None of us writers mind that at all. PoC comes up a lot on google alerts and how sad for a new reader to see something like this:

'This is addressed to Tysvegan and Ruth, and gen, and whoever else ha decided to make this extremely sad article about a kitten's tragic fate at the hand of this monster from Hell into a grandstand for vegan education via shock talk, just who do you think you are hijacking this kitten's story?'

I can't see any reason for you to have written that about any of us who commented or agreed.
If it was anyones right to say something about some comments on her article, it was Elisas ! But she like me is only too glad to have others adding to her article.
If you knew how many tears I've cried for those 2 kittens Elisa wrote about and how many tears I've cried all my adult life for animals I've worked with and volunteered with, you might not be so quick to say such hurtful things. I'm sure the others who come here care as much but we don't go listing what we do for cats.
NO ONE was belittling those kittens or trying to use their story as a vegan sounding off board, it was simply that the subjects ARE related, the kittens are flesh and blood and that idiot talked about eating them. Surely it all interlinks ?

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 30, 2010
I'm sorry Kat
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I just get really defensive and bossy over Ruth. She's my mentor.

PLEASE stay with our group. We all get to ranting and raving at one time or another on here, but it's really a fun place to be and I've made a lot of friends here since I started writing. In the beginning I was driven to tears by some of the comments people made, but I've gotten used to it. And if I ever get half as tough as Ruth I'll be lucky.

Michael runs the site and we both admit I get a bit bossy but I don't mean to. I'm working now and don't have as much time to write as I used to. I still shoot for at least 2 stories a week on the cats.

I'm sorry and didn't mean to attack you on defending the kittens. I'm a vegetarian too.

Oct 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

Whoooaaa!! Aren't you the one who runs this site, Elisa? and you are on my case forf sticking up for the kitten to the vegans who would take her day in print? I am so very confused. I wqaw not atacking RUTH, per se.. but instead I was addressing ALL of the many who were jumping on the frm animals never get zany mournig" bandwagon--so why did you feel the need to jump down my throat. By the way, anonymous" was accidental. I am Kat PArker, and I would have putthat ther. I am alaso not a meat eater, but I just felt like peopel should not deterf from the horror that happens to animals just because they happen to be cute C'mon... Now, if y are gonna be like all crazy against me and my posts, and I was not even talking to yu, and I am sure Ruth, who I was also not addressing singularly, has thicker skin than you give her credit for. Besides, I did not even say anything that could be in the least bit construed as pesonal or offensive.

I am re-thinking my own participation in your group of "homies" here... I feel I may be out of place, And this might actually be a closed little group here. I bid you all farewell. But seriously, think about what I said. I said it for that reason, not to attack anybody personally. Too many people carry that banner about if it's a cute little thing who got abused and is getting coverage, they are against it, for principles which are truly beyond the scope of my comprehension.

Peace Soup, y'all. Hope you have lots of non-dissenting viewpoints in your little happy bunch here. (Blog groupthink inbreeding?) Byeeeeee!

~Kat Parker~

"I'm Kat Parker. I park cats."

Negotiation Is Over In The Streets Ca Coordinator
FOCAS, SD Cat Adoption Service, Feral Cat Coalition, ARRF

Oct 29, 2010
Leave Ruth Alone
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Leave Ruth alone or you'll have me and a lot of others on your case. She's the kindest woman I've met on this site and knows every subject she comments on.

Jump on me. I'm used to it by now.

Oct 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

This is addressed to Tysvegan and Ruth, and gen, and whoever else ha decided to make this extremely sad article about a kitten's tragic fate at the hand of this monster from Hell into a grandstand for vegan education via shock talk, just who do you think you are hijacking this kitten's story? Just because there are an enormous number of animals who everyday are murdered for food, and that is not objected to so much by the general meat eating public, and that in itself is disturbing to you and other non meat eaters, myself included, what gives you the right to say that this tragedy is not deserving of our heartfelt sadness and emotions? I mean, just cause some animals sadly are not cried over and broadcast widely, does not mean that all must also not get attention. Why does this poor kitten not rate to you? IS it because some feel sadness for her and anger, and you think if the farm animals don't get that, then no one gets it? Pretty nasty shallow POV, in my opinion. All animal abuse is deserving of public attention and two wrongs NEVER make a right! So please don't say this kitten should not be mourned and this sleazebag should not be prosecuted. That is just lame. This is an appalling and loathsome thing, and nothing will change that--even if a billion other animals also suffer in their own rights.. Uuuugghh!

Just sayin'... think before you go off, please?

Oct 28, 2010
Illegal to eat any animal hit by a car.
by: Anonymous

It is against the law to eat any animal that is hit by a car. You CANNOT hit a deer with your car and take it home and eat it. You must call animal controll or the forestry department. It is also against the law to eat domesticated animals such as cats and dogs in America--To Gen--read up on the laws

Oct 22, 2010
Drunk Idiot
by: Gen

Is the guy a druken idiot? Yes. Should he be arrested for drunk driving? Yes. But what's the difference between hitting a kitten with your car & eating it or hitting a deer with your car & eating it? Why is it ok to kill & eat some animals in America & not others? In a lot of other countries you can probably order kitten on a stick. (I know I'm just repeating a lot of people, but it bears repeating I think)

Oct 22, 2010
Tysvegan and Ruth
by: Maggie

I completely agree with both Tysvegan and Ruth! We freak at the thought of people eating kittens, but as we speak a sheep, chickens, cows, pigs and more are living in conditions so cruel, and are tortured to the extent that those animals would probably want someone to come and run them over. Those animals live in such conditions for one reason and one reason only. People eat meat.

The body of any animal that had a heart beat, blood in his body, and a life of his own will never pass through my lips. We can't pick and choose, eating a chicken is as bad as eating a kitten.

Oct 22, 2010
Poor things
by: Kathy W

I will now identify myself as Kathy W since I see there is another Kathy on here. This is just another inhumane human. I was so afraid reading this that the kitties didnt survive. Im so happy they did. I agree with Ann this man should be ran over by a truck, his own truck. Look at those poor faces. My heart goes out. Thank God someone rescued them. Its too bad this jerk got set free. Hell probaly do the same thing again sometime. Cruel people dont stop. He needs counseling. Hunting season is here. I get extremely stressed out this time of year. I also want to remind everyone to safeguard their cats this time of year---HALOWEEN!!!! Especially if they are Black. Some pet shops here wont sell cats or kittens this time of year. People are so cruel. This man needs to go apply for foodstamps if hes so hungry. Im sure theres a food pantry somewhere near him. There are grocery stores on every corner. Only in America, where theres no reason for it.

Oct 22, 2010
I agree
by: Kathy W

I see theres another Kathy on here so I will identify myself now as Kathy W. I agree that the same thing should be done to the man. Thank God these kitties are surviving. I was so scared reading this that the kitteis didnt make it. They are so helpless. Again another cruel act of mankind. It will never stop. I want to remind everyone to guard their cats especially well during this time of year---HALOOWEEN. Especially if they are black. A lot of pet shops in this area will not sell kittens or cats during this time of year. Its too bad he got out. To me its just another form of murder. I agree with Ruth. Theres a grocery store on every corner. If hes so hungry he need to go apply for food stamps. Hunting season is upon us and its an extrenely stressful time of year for me. My boy friend agrees with hunting and I have to tell him not to talk about it around me. It makes me sick.

Oct 22, 2010
by: Ruth

How I agree !
All animals,birds and fish are made of flesh and blood exactly the same as we are so how can it be acceptable to eat any species, especially as we don't really need to, to survive.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 22, 2010
Stop animal abuse
by: Tysvegan

The Gentle Barn is a place where severely abused animals are rescued and loved. Farm Sanctuary is another place like this. As long as we are saving kittens from being eaten, let's save the piglets, lambs, and baby calves and horses from being eaten. Who do you pet and who do you eat?

Oct 22, 2010
Re : Reality balance
by: Ruth

Sorry John but I think that PoC already has a good balance of pages.
We read of cruelty cases yes, but we also read of rescues by kind individuals and of wonderful Rescue Shelters and of cats ending up in happy homes.
We read about peoples pets, their happy stories and their sad ones and many of are here to sympathise at bereavements and show we understand and care.
There are many educational pages about all aspects of cat care and many about the cruelty and complications of declawing and the alternatives.
Pictures, posters, a childrens corner, what more do we want ?
Michael doesn't come along and wield the axe like some site owners and remove anything he doesn't agree with. He respects those peoples point of view and gives his own, fairly and informatively.
Anyone who doesn't like the topic on a page can simply not read it.
I know for a fact that PoC has saved many cats claws which wouldn't have been saved had we not been allowed to post as much about the subject.
Finally I don't know of any other site which gives as much to cat charities and to cats in need.
That's my thoughts anyway !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 21, 2010
Thank you!
by: Kittynovich

I would like to thank you for this article. As hard as it is to read, the easy thing would be to just look away. As Animal Advocates, we MUST NOT look away. As Animal Lovers, we MUST NOT look away. Looking away does absolutely nothing. We must all be AWARE of the atrocities being bestowed upon these darling animals. The more we know, the more we fight!! We must keep fighting until these kinds of poeple are put behind bars!! We will keep fighting until future generations look at us and think we must have been uncivilized cave dwellers to allow such things to happen!!

Oct 21, 2010
Animal Abusers
by: Ann

Any animal abuser should have done to them whatever they did to the poor animal. Then maybe these idiots would think twice before hurting an innocent creature!

Oct 21, 2010
this man needs seroius help
by: darlene burrow

thank you for sharing this story with us because we need to know what happens with these poor sweet animals i know it is very sad to hear but people need to know and we all need to step up to the plate and help and protect these animals from harms way this way the more people know what this growing problem the people can help protect these animals it totally broke my heart reading this story i can't imagine how people can abuse animals i just don't understand it at all it makes me sick this man that wanted to eat these kittens should be in jail for life for what he had done he really does need serious help with this problem he has

Oct 21, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

My 2 cats are totally indoor cats and I'm not a bit ashamed of it. I do get lectured about them not having freedom and just being a cat. But the have toys and play and nap. Plus I'm too old to dig any more pet graves over useless death.

They were probably baby strays. Anyone owning them is probably afraid to come forward at this point or they could be charged for animal abandonment.

Oct 21, 2010
Cats for dinner
by: Anonymous

Kat Parker pointed out the obvious crux of the matter: what were the kittens doing in the street where they could be run over by the drunken monster?
Yes, the perpetrator should be punished for more than drunk driving and we all must protest animal cruelty laws that are so lax. However, the human being responsible for the lack of spaying of the kittens' mother should be charged, too! Pets need to be kept indoors and I hope it comes to where that is mandated one day--at least in urban areas. Neutering could also be required by law so that unwanted litters are not available for DINNER! Dangers are great for all cats that are left outdoors and their lives are much shorter compared to indoor cats. Cities and towns must budget for trapping and neutering/spaying feral cats, as well. Karma and Nirvana may have been run over and left for dead or killed outright, eaten by dogs or other wildlife, who knows what-all might have befallen them? When abandoned kittens are rescued by kind-hearted people (which do, of course exist in droves and aren't reflected in the media) they're extremely lucky. This is why we must support shelters and rescue operations devoted to providing loving homes for "the least of these."

Oct 21, 2010
I'm on a good story hunt again
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Every now a good one comes along but not as many as there used to be. I want Michael to put the cruelty stories on their own page so people don't have to read them if they don't feel up to it. What's frustrating is how these people get away with it.

I've got a few good stories in the works and the people I've contacted just haven't gotten back to me yet and I hate doing a story without more input.

I'm working almost full time so I won't be able to write as many as I used to. This week was just an unusual spurt. It may be Monday or Tuesday before I have a chance to write again.

Oct 21, 2010
Man Wanted Kittens As Dinner
by: Maggie

Elisa, you're correct in saying the horror stories out number the 'good' stories. But how many good stories do you hear off that hit the media? None. The media aren't interested in good stories. Twisted and disturbed stories like this one are the ones that grab attention. Watch your local news and you'll realise that the number of negative stories featured majorly out number the positive stories...

For that reason I think everyone here should share their positive stories. As PoC is a popular website and I think the positive stories could some how act as a positive influence on pet owners.

This man is sick, but I've noticed that he's not really in trouble for running over the kittens. He seems to be in trouble mainly for driving under the influence of alcohol. Although, aggravated cruelty should come into it. If I were that judge I'd have him locked up for a long time indeed!

Oct 21, 2010
he's a jerk
by: Delana

i pray that the judge does the right thing in faver of the kittens

Oct 21, 2010
Animal Abuse Database
by: Kat Parker

Please, keep your animals indoors, 24/7...spay/neuter your pets (and your neighbors' pets and street kitties as well!) ... and for MONSTERS like this that you may have dealings with, please include their info in this national animal abuse database.


Oct 21, 2010
Reality Balance
by: John


In regard to the article "Man Wanted Kittens as Dinner", I agree with you, that we need to know these horror stories because they are a reality. However, I also hope that this site balances good stories and horror stories in reporting about cats; because the good stories are also a reality. I am just so glad that this site exists for cat lovers to read. But, I feel compelled to ask that each of us be reminded that it is so easy to get caught up in reacting to reports of "all that is bad" about the treatment of cats, that it becomes more challenging to focus on and positively report "all that is good" about the treatment of cats causing the aspects of that good reality to be overshadowed

Oct 21, 2010
Abuse Laws
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Kathy, I so totally agree with you about felony abuse laws for animal abusers. Some states, like Massachusetts, have passed laws like these. With this guy's history, he would've been labeled a felon and he'd probably do jail time - at least for awhile. The problem getting these laws passed is that the justice system still considers animals 'chattel' thereby removing the living, breathing, sentient beings equation and treating them as if they were property. THAT is the law that needs changing. Anything after that would be gravy, so to speak.

Oct 21, 2010
Abuse Laws
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Kathy, I so totally agree with you about felony abuse laws for animal abusers. Some states, like Massachusetts, have passed laws like these. With this guy's history, he would've been labeled a felon and he'd probably do jail time - at least for awhile. The problem getting these laws passed is that the justice system still considers animals 'chattel' thereby removing the living, breathing, sentient beings equation and treating them as if they were property. THAT is the law that needs changing. Anything after that would be gravy, so to speak.

Oct 21, 2010
Reality Balance
by: John


In regard to the article "Man Wanted Kittens as Dinner", I agree with you, that we need to know these horror stories because they are a reality. However, I also hope that this site balances good stories and horror stories in reporting about cats; because the good stories are also a reality. I am just so glad that this site exists for cat lovers to read. But, I feel compelled to ask that each of us be reminded that it is so easy to get caught up in reacting to reports of "all that is bad" about the treatment of cats, that it becomes more challenging to focus on and positively report "all that is good" about the treatment of cats causing the aspects of that good reality to be overshadowed.

Oct 21, 2010
An outcry for the kitties and other animals
by: Kathy

I truly believe that our so called democracy needs an overhaul! The people who abuse, torture, maim, and murder animals should have the stiff penalties that people receive if they do these awful things to humans! I say that we protest against these soft laws on animal abuse and turn them into felony abuse laws!

Oct 21, 2010
An outcry for the kitties and other animals
by: Kathy

I truly believe that our so called democracy needs an overhaul! The people who abuse, torture, maim, and murder animals should have the stiff penalties that people receive if they do these awful things to humans! I say that we protest against these soft laws on animal abuse and turn them into felony abuse laws!

Oct 21, 2010
by: Ruth

That is terrible ! Those poor little kittens.
I think a special section for cruelty stories would be a good idea so that everyone who hates animal abuse could see details of where to demand tougher punishments are given to the low life excuses for humans who do this.
You can't wonder that we feel like dishing out the punishment ourselves when they get away too lightly with official punishment.
I'm a peaceful animal rights person as I don't think violence helps and we end up in trouble ourselves anyway, but I'd gladly break the habit of a lifetime and run over this scum of the earth myself to stop him harming any more animals !
Keep writing Elisa, people need to know !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 21, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

So they've moved the date since the report. Gives him more time to hurt something

Oct 21, 2010
Another Demon From Hell Killing Our Cats!!
by: AnimalSpiritWarrior* Diana

First off Noone should go by Anonymous!I Detest This Make your self known It's better for the animals!!!I just got off the phone with a Lady Named Roberta @ the Judges Office,I read The Letter to her and Of Course Gave My Personal Input!!All she would tell me is that His Hearing Date is Dec.8th!I heard her typeing my words as I spoke!I Hope you All keep Their Phones Ringing & Voice YOUR Point of veiw Right Away!!I told her He is also Listed with Animal Abuse!!They Need to be contacted too!!!!!But I haven't the Number as yet!Find out All Possiable,and Get Into Action My Friends! she asked me if I was involed in the case I said Yes I'm AM an ACTIVCT!!God Bless the Kittens & All who helped them at the time!They Need Us & We will Help Them!! Respectfully *AnimalSpiritWarrior* Diana

Oct 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

Hopefully his liver will give out soon and he'll die!!!

Oct 21, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Its been that was for years. If bond is allowed 10% is all thats needed to get out. Thats what bail bondsmen do for a living

Oct 21, 2010
by: Linda Boots

How totally disgusting can one human be? This guy is top of the list now! He is a waste of air!

Oct 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

Why post a bond amount if they aren't going to uphold it? Makes no damn sense. Would they have done that if his crime was twords humankind? He needs to be locked up and taken out of society. He
is useless and insane.

Oct 21, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I think it's horrible he was charged with animal cruelty plus a few offenses stemming from the alcohol, but I doubt he'll see much if any jailtime

Oct 21, 2010
by: Michael

This is horrible. It disgusts me and the sad thing is that there are quite a large number of people who think like this about cats - "it is only a cat" etc.

I take note of what you say about having a special section on cat and animal cruelty. The way you are dishing the stories up we'll need one...:)

I do think that we have to read these stories because we need to know the realty out there.

Michael Avatar

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